Thursday, June 3, 2010

I love the 2/3am feeding...not.

I can't complain about sleeping at night compared to a month ago. Ryder used to eat at 10, 12, 2, 4, 6.....yes, yes he did. But I still have trouble thinking this is "good"-our nights now. He is in a schedule of eating sometime between 1030 and 11pm. then he falls asleep almost right after and I am sleeping usually by 12am. He sleeps really soundly until usually between 2 and 3. After that feeding/changing/burping session I lay him down to go back to sleep but he lays awake making little cooing noises or grunting for about an hour. Then, when he does happen to fall asleep sometime usually by 4, then he sleeps restless sleep for 20 min intervals at a time and then wakes up and grunts more again. We do this till about 5 or 6 am. then after he eats again, he usually bombs out for another two hours of sleep (give or take) around 7 or 8 am. So I'm really frustrated because by 7 or 8 I am up for the day and can't fall back asleep nine times out of ten for whatever reason. It's like my body knows that it's daytime or something. So like I said, I'm really frustrated because I have no idea how to flip flop the middle of the night awakeness for that 7/8am longer nap. I would LOVE if he went back to sleep at 4am for another two hours (or more, but I'll take what I can get right now). And of course, I can't sleep through him cooing/grunting etc, so I'm up through the whole thing..yay! Last night I tried him in his crib again to see if I would like that better, but I still can hear everything through his monitor. I wish I could just throw the monitor out the window. But that would be a bad thing for a mom to do I suppose.

Anyways, I've kind told myself that I have to wait until cereal or other solids are introduced into his diet in order to make progress towards sleeping more during the night. I have gotten a few books recently and I"m going to do a little research on "how to get your baby to sleep through the night". I'll keep you updated. Keep your fingers crossed and pray for us before you drift off to your 8 hours of sleep at night. ;)

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain girl. You just have a few more months of torture before things settle into a GOOD routine. The rice cereal does help, but so does them growing and being able to put themselves back to sleep. Why do you think Finn sleeps in the basement? HA. With Jack I read the Baby Whisperer and I loved that book, although most of the things applied to older babies. I find that the EASY routine - Eat, Activity, Sleep, You time has worked best with my kids. But each kid is different.
