Tuesday, June 8, 2010

2 month well baby check

We had Ryder's 2 month well baby check today. My poor little buddy got his first shots :( I thought I'd be the strong one between Joe and myself, but it affected me more than I thought. When the two nurses said "one, two, three" and jabbed ridiculously long needles into his little chunk thighs, he did the momentary pause as he assessed the situation and then his faced turned a shade of red I have never seen before. He proceeded to cry so hard he did the whole not breathing thing/not making a sound. I felt so sosososososo bad! It absolutely broke my heart. I didn't drop any tears, but I did get tears in my eyes and I had to fight to keep them from dropping :(

But he did alright other than that. I put him quickly to the boob afterwards, which is the best way to calm a super upset baby! He fell asleep almost immediately once he settled down and slept for an hour and a half. He woke up to feed and then took another hour long nap. He had been a bit fussy before dinner, but nothing too bad. But right now, he's sitting on Daddy's lap playing and smiling. Poor buddy is such a trooper!!

As for his stats:

2 week 2 months
20.5inches (50 percentile) 23 3/8 inches (70th percentile)
8lbs (25 percentile) 12 lbs 5.5 oz (70th percentile)

So as you can see, he's doing a LOT of growing and growing well. Our pediatrition (who we LOVE) said she's very impressed by how much he has gained/grown, which we feel pretty good about. She also was impressed by how strong his neck was too. And speaking of his neck....if you remember from back at his 2 week appointment the pediatrition noticed that his head always tipped to the one side from how he was sitting in the womb. Well, we had worked on stretching his neck and turning it and working on physical therapy stuff at home. She said she could tell that we had been working hard on it, and she said that he was much better....BUT still not good. So we have an appointment at the Gillette Children's Clinic next Thursday for a consult appointment for physical therapy. She thinks we'll just need to start him on a little physical therapy to really get his neck straightened out so that more problems don't occur down the road as he continues to grow. My poor little crooked necked baby!


  1. What a big growing boy!!!! I'm sure the physical therapy will help his neck. I've heard great things about Gillette! I wish I could say the shots get easier...you get less emotional, but the baby becomes more aware. It's all good though. I need to meet that little guy soon!

  2. Yikes, my kid needs to grow! She was 7 lbs, 10 oz when she was born, and now she's four months and she's only 12 lbs, 8 oz! Her boyfriend is going to be way bigger than she is!! That's okay though, better than the other way around! :)
