Monday, June 7, 2010


Ryder's Baptism was yesterday...he's now a pure and sin free as he'll ever be ;) Now, of course, being a planner as I am---I worked it out perfectly with his feedings and sleep time that he would be able to make it through the 1030 Mass and then the Baptism afterwards without needing to eat (and therefore, without being fussy). So Ryder sleeps like an angel through the whole Mass...BUT, by whole Mass I mean the whole entire hour and 20 minutes the Mass was!!! Of course the day we pick for the Baptism happens to be the same day that a long winded guest priest comes to talk about his missionary work and blah blah blah blah blah for an extra 20 minutes (am I going to H-E-double hockey sticks for saying that?) Anyways, so that throws off the schedule. THEN the Deacon who was doing the Baptism after Mass---which he did an awesome job, I reallylike him, but he likes to hear himself talk (also, going to H-E-double hockey sticks) and yapped for a good 15-20 minutes about random things before even starting the Baptism. At this point, Ryder was awake for the whole time the Deacon was talked and was happy as a clam, but I knew the crying would come soon because we were almost 3.5 hours from the last time he ate and he would be starving. So not long after we got to the Baptismal font did he start to fuss. I tried slyly putting his hands in his mouth to entertain him, but it only worked for about a minute or two before he started fussing. So my mom handed me the back up plan bottle that we SHOULDNT HAVE HAD TO USE...and we fed him during his Baptism. We would just take it out of his mouth briefly so they could put oil on his head etc. Oh, and he also filled his pants and was a stinky boy too!! :) So anyways, I guess the best laid plans rarely work when it comes to babies. But seriously, I was so annoyed with that priest (again, H-E-double hockey sticks) because Ryder would have been perfectly content if that extra 20 minutes wouldn't have been added on and the other 15 minutes of the Deacon talked....oh well. Other than that, he was as cute as can be in his little tux (i'll post pictures later) and the day ended up being nice after a brief rain, and the food and company was great! We all had a good time :)

On to the next topic I often blab about: sleep.

I thought his sleep was going to be horrendous last night because he was so over stimulated during the day from being passed around to all the family members and his sleep was so interrupted. Especially because right after people left, he was really fussy for awhile before I got him to sleep. I just let him bomb out for 2 1/2 hours even though he had gone a long time without eating then. But once he woke up, he ate, then slept another 2 plus hours. I think that really helped him recover from his lack of sleep earlier in the day because we fed him at 1030. had him sleeping by 1115 and we were sleeping by 1130. I was having these weird dreams about trying to pump, but I couldnt get to my pump and I woke up at 330 and Ryder was STILL sleeping. So I went downstairs and pumped (after I checked to make sure he was still breathing) and finally Ryder woke up at 4am to feed. which means he went 5 1/2 hours between feedings last night. After quickly feeding him a bottle, he was back sleeping by 4:45 and slept till 8am. So lets just say...YAY! I know it won't be like that from now on; I'm sure he was so tired from the busy day. Anyways, like I said, I will post pictures of the tux later.

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