Monday, June 28, 2010


I'll admit it. I'm a bachelorette junkie. It's so fakey and set up, but I can't help it. And, I will also tell you all, JOE is also a lover of the cheesy reality show. At first, he pretended not to be, but it was inevitable. He saw the light. At the gym tonight, I said to Joe that I would be ready to head home in 15 minutes. He came over to me and said that we should just leave now in order to get home to watch the Bachelorette. bahahah. I love it.

I also love that I can bring Ryder to the gym. Not Lifetime (which we still pay up the wazoo for in monthly dues, but rarely go). We bring Ryder to the Snap Fitness in Waconia. We time it so he's sleeping the whole time we're there, which works out nicely. I just jump on the tred (and walk, not run people---I'm having a tough time motivating myself to do anything really physical these days!) and put Ryder next to me on the ground in his car seat. No one says anything to us when we bring him there, but even if they did complain...who cares. We know the owner! (That would be Logan Haskins, Joe's brother and Ryder's Godfather. I'm thinking he'll let it slide....).


  1. I love it too! Don't worry Joe, Tom watches Real Housewives with me and loves it! Ali is bugging me this season. Is she even going to pick anyone in the end? Roberto is still my fave.

  2. Roberto is my fave too. I can NOT understand why she likes Frank so much. He is weird and slightly creepy. I heard a rumor that she doesnt end up with ANYONE! But that could just be a rumor...

  3. OMG, that wouldn't surprise me at all, but I would be so mad! ha ha. Even though it's better not to pick anyone than end up divorced or something. I don't like Frank either, ick. Maybe Roberto will be the next Bachelor? haha, I'm SUCH a loser.
