Tuesday, June 22, 2010

how do you train a baby?

A few posts back, I mentioned trying to move Ryder's last big meal before bed a little earlier every few days with the hopes of eventually eliminating the need for that feeding and hoping he would sleep longer. It is NOT working. He wakes up without fail after about 5 hours (from the start of the last feeding) no matter what time I do the last feeding before putting him down for the night. So if I start feeding him at 9pm, then he's up by 130-2am (and subsequently again at 5 or 6). If I feed him at 11pm, he's up by 330-4am, etc. I've even bumped him up to 6oz for that last feeding thinking he maybe needed more to sustain him. Nope, no difference. Then I thought, maybe it's an internal clock and he's really not hungry but waking himself up because that's what time he always eats. But after listening to him cry for what seems like eternity (and a giant waste of time when I could have already fed him and then been back to bed...) I go to feed him and he eats as though he hasn't had a meal for days. What the heck!? I get frustrated because so many people tell me that their kid slept through the night at 4 weeks...at 6 weeks...or, "for sure by 3 months he'll be sleeping through the night"...I've even had someone tell me that their baby slept through the night from day one. Yes, day one. WHATEVER. Well, he's 2 1/2 months so something drastic better happen in the next 2 weeks in order to make it to that "magical three month sleeping through the night thing" haha. I know all babies are different, but seriously. I'm going back to work shortly (well, maybe....this whole strike thing may just give me a very extended maternity leave....) and I really would like to be on a better night schedule with him. Some people say you have to "train" your baby to sleep through the night. Well my question is: how do you train a baby to stop waking up and eating at night? Please do inform me. I am open to any and all suggestions ;)


  1. Ok Carly

    Some babies don't sleep through the night for a long time, and some babies sleep well around 4 months. Its a guessing game, and it sucks! But most babies cant be trained until 4 months or so. there little brain doesn't get it. Ari started sleeping through the night around 4 1/2 months and thats when we started feeding her cereal. at around 4months i stopped feeding her the night feeding and would just give her the nuk and she would fall back asleep. Eric's boss said her son finally started sleeping through the night at like 8 months. i dont think he was eating at night but would wake up and cry. there are books out there that tell you how to train them, but if he's not ready its not going to happen. Sorry i know it sucks. but hang in there he is still little and will eventually get into a routine.

  2. Yea, some babies are just stubborn as heck! Finn didn't start sleeping until around 4 months, which is when we thought he was old enough to let him cry it out and put himself back to sleep. I think cereal will help some, but right now he's still a little bambino and is growing all the time. Before you know it you will be sleeping through the night and looking back on those sleepless nights saying thank GOD that is over. ha ha. But don't worry - your memory blocks a lot of these rough times out and you won't remember how bad it REALLY was until you have another baby. HAHAHA.
