Thursday, March 31, 2011

A better day!

I'm happy to report that today was nothing like yesterday :) First of all, Ryder slept until 8am. HOLY MOTHER OF ALL THINGS GOOD, right!?!! It's a freakin miracle. So our day started great--happy baby, playful baby, giggling baby and he ate a great breakfast and didn't even get ticked when I gave him his milk in a sippy cup instead of our usual morning bottle. (As of today, I'm cutting him off of bottles during the day and only giving him a sippy cup with milk with his meals--but I'll still do a bottle before bed. Don't ask me why I decided that today was the day I was doing this, but whatever) Anyways, he went down for his morning nap just fine. When he woke up, I knew that typically he's been good for about an hour and then that scary afternoon baby emerges like I said yesterday. My girlfriend Jenna was coming down to hang out so I thought I'd "pre-medicate" for a "just in case he turns into scary baby" kinda thing. (terrible, I know). Anyways, so Jenna got down not too long after he woke up from his nap and we had a great time. He was happy, laughing, and flirting like crazy. We had no issues with lunch and we took him for a walk and he even was perfectly good until I laid him down for his afternoon nap, which he promptly fell asleep without a peep. (Usually he gets fussy before his nap) I think I just may have to always pre-medicate this child....kidding (I think.)


  1. I am no mom but I am guessing it is because he saw one of his favorite aunties Jenna!!! That's just what I think :-)

  2. ryder does love the ladies. rumor is he hunts for hugs.

  3. I bet if he's crabby again it's because he misses his favorite babysitter Auntie Manda
