Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Like Mother like daughter. Like father like daughter.

Earlier today I was driving in my car and a song came on and I was snapping my fingers to the beat. Then, in horror, I stopped short. My MOM does this!!!! When I was younger and we were driving in the car, my mom would always snap her fingers to the beat of the music if she really liked it. For whatever reason (sorry, mom!!) I always cringed when she did this. It seemed like such an "old" person thing to do and kinda "dorky". Well I apparently have joined the ranks of "old" and "dorky" because I was snapping my fingers to the music today :)

This also then reminded me of ALL the times I do something and Joe will say, "oh my God, you're dad does that!" It's funny, when it comes to most of my mannerisms and my person to person interaction and communication, I am a LOT like my dad. I even use my dad's jokes and quotes sometimes. For instance, my dad used to always say to us as kids, "What do you think, we live in a barn?" when we'd leave the garage door open or something. Yes, I have used that line when Joe has left the door open before. I HATED when my dad said that when I was younger. But yet here I am, spouting off that line like it's my job.

But on the other hand when it comes to my organization, planning, competativeness, and people pleasing ways, I am 100% a product of my mother. I guess it's completely unavoidable and whether you like it or not, you will become more and more like your parents than you ever thought possible as you get older. It can be a scary thought, but fortunately for me I have great parents, so I guess I should feel lucky. There are worse afflictions.

So, who are you like: mom or dad??

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