Friday, September 3, 2010

A better night for Ryder (and mom!)

Last night was even better :) It really does give me hope---even though there is one thing I've learned about babies since being a mom: just because they do something for a day or two does NOT mean it's their "new schedule". Just when you get happy that they are doing something the way you like it, you tell someone about it and then the next day they change it. Just to spite you.

Anyways, so last night ryder went to bed at 745pm. He woke up at midnight, which is when I turned off the monitor for 15/20 minutes. I turned it back on, and he had put himself back to sleep. Then at 3am, I got up and pumped and I heard Ryder at 330. I turned off the monitor and waited 15 minutes and turned it back on and alacazam: he put himself back to sleep again! Then I didn't hear him till we got up for good at 710am. So he slept for almost 12 hours (with the exception fo waking up twice) and I never once had to get up and give him his paci. He put himself back to sleep too! woo hoo. And the last few days I also lay him down for his nap and he fusses a bit and then falls asleep on his own. Like I said, I'm cautiously opptimistic :) I do work this weekend, so Joe is going to hold down the fort and not cave in and go get him right away. I'll keep everyone updated on how the weekend goes early next week. Also...stay tuned for a Flash Me Friday later today hopefully!


  1. YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!! I hope Ryder keeps up the good work!

  2. I have a good feeling about this :-)

  3. Carly, now you just need to quit pumping at night and you'll be able to sleep through the night too! It's just a few nights of waking up soaked and eventually your supply will adjust! I wake up super full, but at least I can usually make it all night. -Catie
