Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day three...damn rain storm!

Night #3 of this experiement went about the same as before, with the exception of the dang crazy rain storm last night. Ryder was sleeping by 730 last night. He woke up at midnight and I let him cry for 10 minutes. Gave him his paci and he slept for about 10. Then he woke up again and I let him cry for 15 min, then gave him his paci and he fell back asleep till 3am. Of course, the hurricane that happened in Mayer last night started around 1am and kept me up basically all night, regardless of whether Ryder was awake or not! Stupid--I could have actually gotten SOME sleep if it weren't for that. Anyways, at 3am, I let Ryder cry it out for 15 minutes to start and then gave him his paci. He slept then till 550am. I fed him at this time and he went right back to sleep till about 8-830 or so. So his sleeping wasn't terrible even though he did wake up three times. I took molly's trick and had Ryder sleep in our main level and I slept upstairs and would just turn the monitor off while he cried so I wouldn't have to feel so dang bad (ha, I sound like an evil mom) but anyways, it seemed to work. I could still hear him when he cried loudly, but other than that I couldn't. I guess we'll just keep on trying this tactic and hopefully it gets us somewhere. Ryder has gotten better about putting himself to sleep for naps, which he never used to do, so I'm hoping that carries over into the night and he can learn to put himself back to sleep sooner rather than later!!

Also, I work all weekend, so it's up to Joe to continue this...wonder how that is going to go???! He's such a softy, that I don't know if he can do it ;)

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