Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 2 of no sleep..but better at least

So last night Ryder went down at at 7pm like we usually try to get him down at for bed. He woke up for the first time at 1045 for a brief five minute cry before he went back to sleep on his own. Then!!!!......He woke up at 1230, 1, 130, and 2am. Each time I gave him his paci and he fell right back asleep. I think he kept waking up during this time because he's used to getting fed at this time normally. He never really had a "cry out" session where he really cried, but that's because I gave him his paci. Like I said yesterday, he usually gets more mad at night when you try to give him his paci and he spits it out or just won't even open his mouth to take it at all. So I don't know if I've opened a new can of worms here or what. I think he's discovered, 'well, since she won't feed me, I guess I'll wake up and take the next best thing: my paci".

Anyways, so then he slept from 2 to 4. He woke up at 4, I gave him his paci and he fell right back asleep till 540am. I fed him at this time and put him right back to bed and he slept till about a little after 7am. So, like I said, I never had any cry fests for Ryder last night, but now we're doing the whole get up a million times anyways for a paci fix. So my question is: do I let him cry it out without his paci so that he doesn't develop the habit of HAVING to have his paci to go back to sleep??? What do you think? I am open to suggestions....


  1. Here are my thoughts - after you put him to bed and if he wakes up, just let him fuss or cry for say 15 minutes. If by this time he is still screaming or upset, go in there, sooth him with his nuk, pick him up to calm him down and before he falls asleep on you, put him back in his crib. If he's still fussing, let him go for another 15-20 min. Then repeat. Everytime I would go in to calm Finn down, I would add 5 minutes onto the waiting time. So if I started with 15 min, the next time I would wait 20, etc. Obviously after about 3 or 4 times, something needs to be done - feed, change, etc. This might sound insane, but it might teach him that he needs to figure out how to fall asleep on his own. Finn did the exact same thing, was up every 45 min. I ended up putting him in the basement with a monitor, so I could get some quiet and so he wouldn't wake Jack up. I would turn the monitor off in my room for the 15-20 min intervals, then turn it back on to see if he was still crying. To my surprise, he slowly started putting himself to sleep.

    Once Ryder can put a nuk in his mouth himself, you could buy more nuks and put them in his crib so he will be able to find one when one falls out or something. We did this with Jack and it helped a TON - although he is slightly obsessed with nuks (only at bedtime of course).

    Don't you wish you could snap your fingers and have the baby whisperer appear?

  2. UGH! I remember those days. I went through this with Ari and i would just keep putting the nuk in her mouth and walk out. If i picked her up it was game over she thought it was time to eat and it would be a bigger problem to get her back to sleep. Unless i did feed her. i would also shut off the monitor and let her cry a while and she would fall right back to sleep. Doesn't Ryder suck on his hands?? If so let him do that and maybe you wont need a nuk. That would be AWESOME!! Wish Ari would have sucked on her hand, then i wouldn't have to deal with the nuk. I asked Eric the other night should we get her off the nuk?? He looked at me like i was crazy. haha

    Good Luck Carly!

  3. yes, i will post pics. i am waiting for ash & i to go shopping to pick out a new duvet. the apartment isnt all that different, just spruced up a bit.
