Tuesday, April 27, 2010

3 weeks--and the first night in his own room!

So i'm half way there to the apparently blessed "6 week" mark. It really does seem like a LOT longer than 3 weeks, but I'm taking it one day at a time. A friend told me that babies are all about trial and error. So far, I've learned that I cannot eat massive amounts of chocolate--because that makes him super fussy. I've also learned that I just need to give him his dang pacifier, because he LOVES it. Of course, I learned this a while ago, but I need to tuck his pee pee down otherwise we go through about 5 outfits a day. I've learned that gas drops sometimes can be a miracle worker. I have learned that I can no longer take a nap at night between 7 and 11 because that's the time he just wants to scream and I feel bad leaving joe alone with that :)

so last night I just randomly decided to try to put Ryder in his crib for the night. I dont know if I was paranoid or something, but I could NOT sleep last night even when he was sleeping--which he had one of those nights where after each feeding he wants to hang out for an hour and if you're not rocking him or holding his Nuk in his mouth, he's crying (or grunting like he's trying to push a huge crap out his little butt). so last night wasnt that great, but it's a start. I'd like to keep him in there, but I just think it might be easier to keep him in our room--that way I dont really have to leave my bed if I just need to stick his pacifier back in etc. we'll see, I'll keep you updated.

Ryder still is taking a bottle once a day and doing better all the time with it. and yes, I'm still nursing---I seriously consider quitting that on a daily basis, but I know I'm doing something so great for him so I keep going. Again: one day at a time. Anyways, is it sad that I basically forgot it was my birthday this weekend? funny how things just get away from you. I did manage to shower this am while ryder sat in his boppy pillow. fastest shower I have ever taken.

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