Thursday, April 22, 2010

2 week appt

We had Ryder's 2 week appt yesterday. He now weighs 8lbs, so he surpassed what the pediatrition said he should be at by 2 weeks for weight. he's still a little munchkin though: 50th percentile for height and 25% for both head and weight. She said that's not abnormal for breastfed babies though at all. they dont get as chubby as fast as bottle fed.

If anyone has seen ryder in person, you probably know that he favors putting his head tilted way to the right side because that's how he was for 9 months inside of me. You also have probably noticed that he sucks his lip in on the right side as well. Well! his "cute little lip" that he sucks in on one side all the time isnt actually that cute's actually due to his head tilting to the side and compressing on his facial nerve...yeah. not so cute anymore! so the pediatrition showed us some physical therapy type moves that Joe and I have to do throughout the day to work on lengthening that neck muscle so he doesnt have more problems in the future when it's harder to correct.

another thing we discussed with the MD was that he has been increasingly fussy after eatings, crying a lot more etc. the doctor was asking us to describe his body language during these fussy times and she said he has reflux, which she also said most babies have some varying degree of reflux but we're to watch him over the next 4-5 days to see if it's worse. Well, that's hard to tell because she also wanted us to start pumping once a day and giving him a bottle so that he can get used to it by t he time I go back to work. so we pumped and joe fed him his bottle, but the milk comes out so much faster from the nipple on the bottle compared to on me, so he chugged it down (no problem with latching on the bottle and sucking) in like five minutes and we even stopped him a bunch of times to burp him etc, but he was SOOOOOOOOOOO upset afterwards, screaming bloody murder for joe and I because I'm sure he was having pain from the reflux. not sure what to do next. suggestions?? are there such things as slower flowing nipples for bottles so it doesnt come out as fast?? I am off to google that and see what I can come up with....


  1. You could try switching bottles - most nipples haves stages (1,2,3 - but some are definitely slower than others) . Have you tried gas drops right after his feedings? Those work miracles. Are you eating anything out if the ordinary that might upset his tummy? Some babies are sensitive to dairy. I've got a few other tricks up my sleeve, Finn is still a fussy baby!

  2. Carly, when I feed Caroline bottles I use the Medela slow flow 0-4 month bottles. I ended up having to cut out both dairy and eggs from my diet. She would scream after eating and she broke out in a rash all over her face. It's much better now.

    And Molly is right about the Mylecon drops, they work miracles.

    The other things they will tell you to do to try and reduce reflux: hold him upright after feedings, burp him often, try to breastfeed exclusively if you can, and feed him half as much, twice as often so it's digested faster.

    Good luck!
