Sunday, January 23, 2011

It's officially over.

I told myself a couple weeks ago that even though Ryder decided he no longer wanted to nurse on me that I would pump until he was ten months (which is two weeks from now). I have no idea why that was my "end date" I decided on, but that seemed like a good stop time. Then I got serious with myself and decided it was a LOT of work to pump 3 to 4 times a day (wash and sterilize pump parts all the time, figure out a way to entertain Ryder long enough that I can pump, dragging my pump bag with me to work). I mean, I've been doing this for almost ten (long) months and I am now so over it. So, today after I pumped this morning I decided, "Okay, that's it. I'm done after this". Well as I sit here over twelve hours later and I am about to skip my third pump session of the day, I am starting to feel it. I don't think it will be that bad going cold turkey because I don't produce that much anymore anyways, but it doesn't feel that great either. I guess the true sign will be when I wake up tomorrow morning...

I can't tell you how excited I am thinking about all the freedom I will have now!! Like I said, less time spent washing/sterilizing, dragging my bag around, planning when I'm going to do it before I leave the house to go do something, and I can actually go right to bed without pumping, and of course---less time spent actually pumping. I'm FREE! Life is good.

I'm also pumped for my week off with Ryder. Just me and Cubby Bear, my favorite!! (well, most favorite is when Daddy is with us too!)

Oh, and an update for the New Years Resolutions: I have made good on my working resolution to work all of my scheduled hours without taking on-call or nights off. Yahoo for good paychecks!! I have NOT made good on my ab workout resolution. I at least do the video once a week, but I just can't seem to work in that second time. Well, I could find time easily, but it's more of a motivational thing :/ Oh well. I am going to start fresh this week and get back into the 2x a week (geesh, you'd think that I was training for a marathon or's not like 15 minutes of ab work would be hard to work in to my schedule twice a week. That's pathetic!!)

Have a great week everyone!! Here's a pic of Daddy and Chubs McGee...Gotta love him!


  1. FREEDOM is a beautiful thing! Take some Tylenol if it gets painful. When i stopped i slept with towels under me so when they leaked i didn't have to wash everything. Good Luck! Lets get together this week for a play date.

  2. I hear ya on the work out... the small time we allow ourselves to do it, is still hard to get motivated for. Good luck!
