Friday, January 14, 2011

Eyes wide shut

I am at work right now for the 4th time this week (keeping up my New Years resolution of working what I'm scheduled on my long stretch on even!) and I have slept next to nothing. Literally. I will give you my sleep breakdown of when I worked this past weekend (sat, sun, mon): I was up 27 hours by the time I went to bed after my first night of work (that happens when you wake up at 6am with your kid and then don't get a nap in before work and then work all night), then I slept a total of 3.5 hours that clue why, I am messed up. Then I worked the second night. The next day I slept a total of 4.5 hours of broken up sleep. yay. then I worked my 3rd night shift and got a grand total of 5.5 hours of sleep the next day (thank God I got to sleep that night again). oh, and ps: I totally was hallucinating in the car on the way home. I was seeing someone in my periphery sitting in the car with me once and then I also kept "floating" above my body...scary, I know. Don't drive on Hwy 7 around 8am on the mornings after I work a night shift...

Then I had wednesday off, which was nice that I could have a normal schedule. Then after a short cat nap this afternoon, I'm back at work again and I already drank my one diet coke for the night (if anyone knows me, they know that I never drink I must be desperate). I'm d.y.i.n.g. I feel like I'm sitting here with my eyes wide shut. This whole "work what I'm scheduled" resolution might be one of those resolutions that don't make it past January....blah.

On another note: Ryder is cutting his second of the top two middle teeth. He is going to be looking so cute :)


  1. I have a hard enough time working the night shift and being a complete sleep-deprived zombie.... I couldn't imagine what having a little guy to take care of would be like! You can do it :)

  2. You must be working right now too...

  3. That's a lot of work... I'll be sure to take note on the Hwy 7 at 8 am advice... haha

  4. oh man, i have met no sleep carly... she's not my favorite. i vote give up the resolution and get some sleep!
