Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pool side fun

Another weekend flies by...I swear Summer weekends don't even exist sometimes before Monday graces us with her presence again! Blink and the weekend is gone. Today was exceptionally gorgeous too, which if I am being a positive person--I feel grateful for the last day of the weekend to be so nice. But if I'm being a negative person---it makes me more sad that Monday is already tomorrow (which means back to work tomorrow for Daddy and back to work tomorrow night for Mommy).

After Ryder's (very short 1 hour) nap today, we headed over to Eric and Teri's house for a little fun in the pool and grilling out. It's always nice to be able to hang out with friends who have kids too (then you don't feel so bad bringing yours with too!). Anyways, Ari and Ryder are pretty much meant to be boyfriend and girlfriend someday :) Ryder just needs to work on his beach body and then he'll have it in the bag! But for now...he kept the shirt on because he was a little embarrassed of his soft, pale body ;)

Trying to get them to sit still for two seconds to take a picture. Ryder was trying to grab at her I'm pretty sure...

And I thought this one was so cute! Ryder was (shockingly) looking in the general direction of the camera. Not AT the camera, but in the general direction. A very difficult thing to get him to do lately...And Ari is striking this adorable swim suit model pose :) Love these two!

I hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend as well!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for coming over, we had a great time! I showed Ari the pics and she kept yelling CARLY CARLY CARLY CARLY. I told her you were taking the pictures, ha next time you better put yourself in one so Ari doesn't go into convulsions. haha
