Sunday, February 13, 2011

Yes, even your "dress" sweats

For Christmas this year as one of my gifts from my wonderful sister-in-law, Amy Grace, I received a subscription to Parents magazine. I really enjoy getting this magazine each month--FYI: a good gift for any Mom. Anyways, I actually think that some writer was writing directly to me this month...which means that my hubby must have written to them asking for help for me (otherwise how else would they know I have this...issue, if you will). The article was titled something along the lines of Getting Back to Gorgeous or something like that. It was for new moms post baby. One section in particular rang true for me: the sweat pants section. It talked about how it's so easy for moms to stay in "scrubby" clothes all day when staying at home and how some women may feel better about ourselves/feel more refreshed if we "put away the sweatpants"...and I quote: "YES, EVEN YOUR DRESSY SWEATS!!" Oh dang...they got me. I TOTALLY have dressy sweats versus the i'll-never-leave-the-house-in-these-ratty-things-sweats. I have a whole drawer of sweats. Sweats I used to wear to the gym, but not work out in. Sweats I worked out in. Sweats I only wear in the house on the weekends. Sweats I only wear when it's a cleaning the whole house kinda day. (this is a really sad list by the way...) And of course, my "dressier" sweats I can leave the house in and not feel like a dirt-ball. Those would be my stretchy nike black sweats. I would bet money on the fact that there may be many many days in a row that I don't put "regular" clothes on (i.e. jeans and a real shirt/sweater). Usually this kinda of dressing up would require seeing other people/having an appointment etc.

Typically I justify consistently being a scrub-muffin by saying that I cannot possibly crawl around on the floor to play with Ryder in jeans and a nice sweater. That would be foolish. Also, my job consists of wearing PJs to work essentially (scrubs for those of you who do not know I'm a nurse...) so why would I ever come home and take "PJs" off and put on jeans and a cute top?? Also, I should throw in that I was totally kidding about Joe writing to the magazine about not wearing sweats all the time...he says he doesn't care (and I seriously don't think he does). I always just tell him that I never put on real human being clothes so that when I actually do get ready, he's really ridiculously impressed by how well I can clean up. I wouldn't want to spoil him or anything by looking nice on a daily basis now, would I?? Foolish I tell you!! Anyways, that article just made me laugh, and it also made Joe laugh when I pointed it out to him. That just means that there must be many other moms out there too who apparently need to "Get Back to Gorgeous", not just me :)

So, today after Church I stayed in my jeans and nice sweater It's now 830 at night and sweats are calling my name right about now!! I don't think this will be a regular occurence, FYI.

On a side note: I have had a few people ask my why I have not been posting over the last two weeks...well I still am waiting for a new power cord for my computer to come in the mail. It's been killing me not having internet access on a regular basis!! I'm on Joe's work computer right now, so I can't do much. I have all these pictures of ryder just begging to uploaded and shown to the world...and I'm praying the power cord comes tomorrow and I can get back to being in touch with the rest of the world...yes, by that I so shamefully mean Facebook, blogging, emailing. Sad but true. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE!!

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