This week our pregnancy books said that hearing is fully developed and I will probably be able to feel Ryder jump/startle if there are any sudden loud noises. So to test this, Joe and I are going to take pots and pans and bang them near my belly and see if we can scare the crap out of him. (I'm totally kidding). He continues to move more and more everyday. He's almost 2lbs now and getting bigger by the day. Literally. Just look at my expanding gut and you'll know. This past weekend I got together with some of my girlfriends and they decided that my belly button and old belly buttom piercing looks like a star fish. Lovely.
Anyways, here are just a couple beach shots of my prego belly for those of you who wanted to see them:
the mental image of you & joe banging pots and pans near ryder made me lmao.