So this is a little video of Ryder playing catch. He actually gets the concept---you sit across from him and toss the ball in his lap and he will try to throw it back to you. He totally loves playing catch and will seriously do it for like 10-15 minutes (which in baby world is a long time to be entertained by something like that!) Sometimes he has a really good throw, but he's still learning his motor skills because sometimes he doesn't let go at the right time because the ball will go straight down or even backwards. So cute!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Ryder's girlfriend
Thanks for coming out Teri, Eric, and Ari!!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Baby's First Christmas!
Anyways, we headed up to the Haskins' cabin in Park Rapids on Wednesday afternoon. It's so nice and cozy up North at this time of year--worth the drive. We spent Christmas day opening gifts, eating appetizers and then headed off to church. First thing Christmas morning, we packed up and headed to Maple Grove and spent Christmas with my side of the family. It was so nice to see everyone...and again...Ryder was spoiled rotten (or, as Joe says endearingly "blessed not spoiled")!! Lots of gifts, but I think more kisses for him than anything. There are so many people on my mom's side that he's rotated from person to person. He did so well though, never complaining---even as he's cutting two teeth right now! He's such a good boy. Here are just a couple pictures for you all:
Friday, December 17, 2010
No changes at physical therapy
Well everyone enjoy the weekend!! ...I work all.weekend.long. BOOOOOOO.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Family time
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Baby dreams
To answer the question of whether or not babies dream, and more importantly, to find evidence supporting my theory that babies dream of boobs and milk....I took to! I found out that babies spend 2x as much of their sleep cycles in the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep, which is when humans dream. Experts say it's safe to assume babies dream, but unfortunately, we 'll never know what they dream about since they obviously are unable to tell us. Here's a cute little article blurb that I found, and I couldn't agree more with the author! (taken from
"Babies dream," says Dr. Charles P. Pollak, director of the Center for Sleep Medicine at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell hospital in the New York Times.
....because infants have REM sleep," Dr. Pollack says, "it is a well-based inference that babies are dreaming in REM sleep."....
But what do babies dream about? Dr. Pollard does not even hazard to guess. Dr. Pollak says that asking him what babies dream about "is like asking whether your pet dog or cat is dreaming, because they can't communicate, and you can't ask. We presume that infants dream infantile things, but we don't really know what it is that they dream." My old dog used to bark while she dreamed and her feet would move like she was running. Clearly she was dreaming about what she spent 80 percent of her day thinking about (chasing squirrels). I will state on the record that my baby dreams about nipples. Gigantic pink nipples atop rapturous breasts....
The article continues for a short while after that, but I laughed right out loud when I read the above bolded sentence. I laughed simply because I totally agree that was what Ryder was thinking about this morning when laughing happily in his sweet, sweet baby sleep :)
Saturday, December 4, 2010
We feel dumb....
Instantly I felt like an idiot as I looked around and saw that our neighbors were all there and there were NO children. Yeah, sweet. So everyone was asking us if we got a babysitter for after he went to bed, etc. Joe and I basically were like, So I went home at 8pm and put ryder to bed and am sitting here writing this blog entry about feeling dumb (thanks neighbor guy). Joe is still next door visiting with neighbors and then in about a half hour, I'm going BACK over there (since i was only there for 45 min in the first place) to play the games they had set up and visit--and joe will come back here and stay with Ryder.
How dumb. Especially considering we EASILY could have found a babysitter between both of our parents. My guess is that the neighbor guy who came over to give us the invite had no clue that his wife was probably telling people that it was adults only. I should have figured it out when I saw the party started at 7pm....whatever. Anyways, party etiquette is always so hard, especially when someone hands you an invite that has nothing written on the front as to who is invited (i.e. "The Haskins Family" vs "Joe and Carly Haskins") Oh well, what are you going to do.
Well I should probably call Joe so we can rotate. How dumb. (can you tell I'm annoyed??)
On a positive note: my girls are all coming over tomorrow for santa exchange/cookie decorating/vikes game. Yaaahooooooo!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
From three to two...
You probably don't care, but I'll write it out anyways! He wakes up around 630, but I get him out of his crib between 7 and 730. Then he goes back down for his nap around 930 to 10am. Then he sleeps for an hour and a half. then he goes back down again for another nap around 130 to 2pm. And then he sleeps for another hour and a half (or like today, an hour and 45 min!). Then he's to bed for the night by 7pm-715pm. Of course, I'm sure now that I have said this is his new "good schedule" he'll change it. But hopefully not!!
Anyways, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with our families. I ate plenty...and then some. It wouldn't be a good Thanksgiving without overindulging, right?! Now on to my favorite holiday: CHRISTMAS!! The tree is up and I have about ten presents under the tree already wrapped..ha! This week's chore: get all of our Department 56 snow village up. So exciting! And of course as tradition follows, it is the third annual December Girls Get together at my house: cookie decorating and secret santa this Sunday!! I can't WAIT! Have a good week.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
A bad Letter
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving to me x4
Today was the second Thanksgiving feast with the Bartlett side. My grandparents came down from Alexandria and got to see Ryder, which was nice considering they only get to see him once every couple months or so. Again, good food, great company...perfect! Ryder even enjoyed a little of the food. He had a little red jello--he thought it was yummy. He also thought tiny bits of pie crust were the best thing he's ever had. You should have seen how excited he got waiting for the next taste :) He's his mama's son, that's for sure! Oddly enough, we finally found something Ryder didn't like to eat: mashed potatoes. Yes, I find that odd--you'd think he'd love them considering they are so simple. But he had one bite and then refused the rest. Ha, he always keeps you guessing.
Thursday we'll do Thanksgiving with the Johnson clan (my mom's side) and then we'll head up North Friday after I get off work in the morning (yuck) and do Thanksgiving with the Haskins. All in all, I would say I'm one lucky gal to have enough friends and family to have FOUR fantastic Thanksgiving meals ;)
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Physical therapy again..
Anyways, I attached a couple pics below. The first one is of Ryder "brushing" his teeth (aka chewing on the brush) with the toothbrush that was given to him by Joe's lifelong dentist Dr. Yaeger. The second pic is a shot of Ryder's three teeth he has. they are spaced out and slightly crooked...good thing he's so cute, that way he can pull off his crazy-man teeth ;) hehe.
He looks kinda drunk in this picture...
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
While mommy is away...
Daddy and Ryder play!! I LOVE my is an adorable video Joe took of him and Ryder goofing around while I was sleeping after work the other day.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
First snow
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Something new every day
Also really cute?? When he turns toys over in his hands while examining them. He gets that big bottom lip that I call his "thinking lip" puckered out...stares hard at the toy and turns it over and over in his hands looking at all sides of it. :)
What else...oh, he basically sits up on his own now. The only time he takes a tumble is when he looks up at something. He doesnt quite get the concept of looking up with just his neck/head...he looks up using his whole body, which is why he tumbles backwards!
If he wasn't such a chub, my guess is he would be crawling really soon. He constantly wants to move and get things out of his reach, but since he can't move...he just gets mad and squirms a ton. It makes him sooo mad...I laugh because it's funny when he tries to throw his body in the direction of something, but at the same time kinda feel bad for him because he gets so frustrated!!
Something that happened just tonight finally that clicked for him is the concept of picking food up and feeding himself. I have tried every couple days over the last few weeks to get him to learn this skill, or at least get the idea of it down. I put these "melt away" yogurt bites that melt really quickly in the mouth on his tray. At first he just flung them all over and pushed them around the tray without putting them in his mouth. I thought this was really weird considering he puts EVERYTHING in his mouth, but then when I put food infront of him...he didn't. So I waited. I tried a few other times, and he did the same thing...and when I would put a small piece in his mouth to show him it was food, he would push it immediately to the back of his throat without chewing and he would cough and choke. Okay, still not ready. Then yesterday I tried it again and he finally figured out how to pick up the small pieces in his hand, but he couldn't get the skill of transferring it from his hand to his mouth. I wanted to show Joe tonight what I was "working" on with him, and he actually put a bunch in his mouth...AND chewed too! It was really cute. I could tell he was kinda pumped about it.
Crazy how time flies huh??
Friday, November 5, 2010
Ryder's 6 month photos

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I am seriously insane....
Anyways, happy shopping everyone!!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
A few months ago we bought Ryder a "Jumperoo". He fits in it much better than he did when we first got it, so we can actually use it a lot more now. Not only does Ryder love it, but we love it too. Especially now that it is getting colder outside and we can't spend as much time outdoors (which Ryder LOVES). It gives us something "new" to do when playing on the floor or sitting on the couch/in the bumbo or walking around the house gets old. Now he can sit in the Jumperoo and bounce, kick, play, scream, and of course: laugh at Daddy!
And please ignore my bad video recording skills. I'm working on them....Monday, November 1, 2010
Nick was in town!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Teething DOES suck!
Apparently I was wrong! Ryder's second bottom tooth is almost through the surface, but not quite yet. Joe and I can definitely tell he's being bothered by it because he's been more fussy than usual the last few days. But the most noticable difference in him is his sleeping. Last night he was up every hour to an hour and a half! It was like we were back to the first couple weeks after he was born. I didn't have to go into his room every single time he woke up, but I would say about five times I had to go into his room last night. I knew it was teething because his little cheeks were flame red and whenever he woke up he cried (which he normally doesn't do), and it was a pain cry. Poor buddy! I really hope that tooth breaks through soon so that he can have some relief. Tylenol seems to help a little, but not much! Oh, and the poops are fun too....they say that teething does not give kids runny poop, but I swear all that extra drooling does because Ryder has had some fantastic blow outs and gross poos lately. All of you really wanted to know that, didn't you?!?! Well I work tonight, so let's hope that he does better tonight for Joe since Joe has to work tomorrow too....
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Go Vikes!
Jayna and Ryder
Saturday was the wedding of family friends Chris Petersen and Alissa Lindell. It was definitely a very good time! My parents watched Ryder, so we knew he was in good hands and we were able to have fun. If you can believe it--Joe, Logan, Amy Grace, and I danced for quite some time too. And no, that wasn't a typo: Joe's name was supposed to be in that group of names. I am pretty sure it was the longest time I have ever had Joe on the dance floor. I must say, he was actually pretty decent out there AND I could tell he was having fun too ;)
Today was the perfect lazy Sunday: crappy, rainy weather combined with some good family hang out time along with some just doesn't get much better than that. I LOVE lazy family days!! Back to the reality of reality. I hope this week goes fast. This weekend we are heading up North to the Haskins' cabin and it is also Ryder's first Halloween. He's going to be a lion!!! Stay tuned for pictures.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
First tooth!
I actually got kinda sad....he's growing up so fast! He can sit up on his own for longer periods of time. Only with fast movements does he take a tumble now. Also, he has learned that if he shakes toys, they make noise. It's so cute, he does this really slow up and down arm movement with toys in his hand and gets excited when they make noise. Oh, and one other thing that has progressed is his eating of baby food. Before he wouldn't eat more than two bites before rejecting all baby food from the jar. He HAD to have it mixed with rice cereal to eat it. Not anymore! Now he eats everything (I think he's storing it all in his cheeks....). I also slipped him a few teeny crumbs of banana bread yesterday and he was going nuts he loved it so much! I'm sure that's not the appropriate thing to be feeding him, but whatever.
Anyways, well back to work tonight. This whole work thing is over-rated.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
It might look a little worse than it actually does because of the camera angle being slightly off-centered, but it's a fairly good example of his head tilt. Anyways, when we went to PT today, Nancy (the therapist) said that when he's sitting and looking straight ahead, he has NO head tilt at all!!! He started at a 17 degree head tilt at two months old, and six weeks ago at his last appointment his head tilt when sitting and looking straight ahead was 6 degrees. So Joe and I are really pumped about that. Nancy said that once he started playing and leaning forward that he had a slight head tilt (it's definitely even better than a few weeks ago when that picture was taken above), but she's not too worried about that. She thinks it will correct as he gets better at sitting on his own.
I did mention to her that I was concerned that he wasn't pushing himself up onto straight locked arms yet when he is on his tummy. Nancy replied to this by saying, "well, he's got a LOT of weight to hold up. He doesn't do it because it's too hard!" She said he eventually will but since he's such a big guy, he has a lot of weight to put on those little shoulders to hold himself up. She said not to worry, which is reassuring.
On a side note, Ryder took a TWO HOUR nap this morning. Now some of you might not think that's a big deal, but I do because he has never taken a two hour nap before. Ever. Ryder is a 3 nap a day kinda guy, with one long nap about 1.5 hours and the other two naps are somewhere between 30-50 minutes. Today he had two naps: one 2 hours and the other 1 hour. I hope he likes that better and will cut out the third nap and just take two longer naps. I would LOVE that so much more. I realized how much you can get done in 2 hours!! 2 hours is a loooong time for a mom :)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Ryder's 6 month appointment
So, for Ryder's stats:
At four months, Ryder weighed 16.2lbs and was at the 70th percentile. At six months, Ryder weighs 20 POUNDS and is at the 90th percentile! At four months, Ryder was 25 and 1/4 inches and was at the 65th percentile. At six months, Ryder is 27 inches and at the 70th percentile for height. His head is currently at the 80th percentile. Our pediatrition was wondering where the line backer came from..haha. He's a big boy!!! We did talk to Joe's mom though, and she said that Joe was 20lbs too at six months and then at his one year appt, he was STILL 20lbs because he started moving and grooving. So I'm guessing Ryder will start thinning out over the next few months as he starts moving around as well. (Maybe??)
Otherwise, she said he looked really healthy and really ridiculously handome (I agree!). We're going to restart physical therapy for him too. His next appt is this thursday. I'm somewhat worried because I feel like his head tilt has gotten a little worse since he's been doing more (supported) sitting and he's upright more too, which is a lot of strain on those little neck muscles. We'll see what they say on Thursday, I guess.
What else...oh, so it's not like I have any other babies to compare Ryder to as far as development. Ryder screetches and makes sounds here and there, but it's not like he's babbling and cooing all the time or making "razzing" sounds like most babies do at 6 months. Maggie said he's a quiet little guy. Also, most babies at this time are pushing their upper body up with straight arms when they are on their tummy, which Ryder doesn't really do yet either. So I hope he starts yapping soon and pushing himself up! I mean, I know all babies develop at different I shouldn't get worried. But if you know me, I like things to happen when they're supposed to and on time... I guess Ryder has his own schedule and is giving Mom's plan the big old middle finger!! That's alright though ;)
Monday, October 11, 2010
Cry baby
First example, tonight I was reading my friend Camille's blog: The Style Handler. She had a cool posting of jewelry that has Braille on it that was created by a family to raise awareness of the need for more blind people to have the skill of reading braille. As I read her blog, I learned that the woman who designs the jewelry line started it after her 2 month old was discovered to be blind at his well baby 2 month check up. Yes, most people would agree that that is very sad. But I started thinking about that poor baby who was living in darkness for the first two months of his life and no one knew. I'm not sure what knowing would have done (maybe the parents could have talked to him more/describe things more, I have NO clue!!), but I just kept thinking about this poor baby who was in the dark...I sound like a crazy woman, but I can't stop crying thinking of that poor defenseless blind baby. In fact, Joe probably thinks I'm crazy when I'm sitting here updating my blog while intermittently crying!!
Other random examples lately: hearing about a TWELVE year old girl that my friend Amanda councils at a junior high who is pregnant--and keeping the baby. Did I mention her mom isn't around to help?? That baby has NO chance. It's not the baby's fault, and I think about how sad it is for that baby to not have the same love and support that Ryder does. Another one I heard from the photographer that did Ryder's newborn photos, and recently his 6 month photos. A client of hers had a baby die of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) at age 5 months. Let's just say that this past week if Ryder sleeps even five minutes longer than he normally does for a nap, I'm running up the stairs to check on him to make sure he's breathing. Again, I'm crazy. And I'm sure some of you remember the story on the news recently where I man drowned his 6 month old baby in a wash basin....
I know this is an incredibly depressing blog posting, but I just want to know if I'm the only mom out there who reacts so emotionally to hearing sad stories about babies!?? Because I'd like it to stop. I think Joe would as well. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm sitting around 24/7 sobbing and searching for sad stories on the internet to cry over, but when I do hear one it really gets me for a little while. Maybe that just shows how much I love my little Ryder and would do anything for him. Or maybe I'm an overly emotional hormonal looney. HA!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Apple Jack's Orchard
There were a lot of things to do and see: turkeys, goats, chickens etc. There were pony rides, hay rides, little train rides for the kiddies. There was a live band, face painting, food, pumpkin patches to pick pumpkins, and of course there were lots of yummy apple desserts!! Ryder was too young to really enjoy this, but he had lots to look at and examine. We decided that we'll have to make it a tradition to go there every year. I'm sure Ryder will love it next year (and each year to come).
Friday, October 8, 2010
Flash Me Friday: your staples in your pantry
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Happy 6 month birthday, Ryder!!
Today we had Ryder's 6 month professional photo session with the same lady who did his newborn photos when he was just 7 days old. Unfortunately we had to wake him up from his nap early to get him to the session on time, so he was still a bit sleepy. He wasn't cranky or fussy, but he just wasn't as smiley as he normally is. I think also since Paula (the photographer) was new to him, he just was staring at her. No smiles. No frowns. Just staring. haha. It was funny. I think he cracked a few smiles off here and there and she might have gotten some. Fortunately he's cute even when he doesn't smile, so we're good. As soon as we have the pictures back, 2 weeks she said, I'll post them! Also, Ryder's 6 month doctors appt is next Tuesday. Stay tuned for an update with that. How chubby could he possibly be?? At his 4 month appt he was 16.2lbs. I'm guessing he's 18lbs or so?? No clue, we'll see though.
Go TWINS!!! Beat those yanks!
Check out that fuzzy hair coming in finally on top of his head!!
Grandma Sharol took Ryder to the park. He LOVES the swing. And he has a large face, too.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Happy Anniversary
Anyways, for our anniversary we went to Fitger's Inn in Duluth. We dropped off Ryder at my parents house (they couldn't have been more excited if they tried, I swear) and we headed up North. It was a gorgeous drive-the leaves were sooo beautiful. We had a really good time in Duluth. The weather was PERFECT, the food was great (room service for breakfast!! My first time!!), and the company better. I couldn't think of a better way to spend some quality R&R time with my love! You know, I don't want to brag (but I'm going to anyways...hahah) but I really honestly think that Joe and I have the best possible relationship. (bold statement, I know). I feel so lucky to have knocked it out of the park with Joe. He's supportive of me, he understands me (often better than I know myself, I swear!), he is so incredible as a father and a husband, he's affectionate, loyal/trustworthy, laid back and easy going (love that!). He makes me feel good about myself, he makes me feel like an equal partner in our relationship, and he's obedient (Just kidding, I threw that last one in there to make sure you were paying attention). Relationships take work and I feel like Joe works just as hard as I do to make our relationship stronger and better all the time. He makes it easy to love him and love our little family life together. I can't wait to see what the next year, ten years, and even FIFTY years bring for us!
Happy Anniversary Babe!! (and happy anniversary to our friends Eric and Teri, 10/3/2009!)
Friday, October 1, 2010
Flash Me Friday: Fall decor
I'm really excited because tomorrow morning Joe and I are going up to Duluth for our 2 year anniversary, which is on Monday. We are staying at Fitger's Inn. I'm excited because we can SLEEP/EAT do whatever we want all saturday and most of sunday without having to schedule around Ryder, wake up with Ryder etc. BUT it's mixed emotions because it's our first time where both Joe and I are gone from him over night. My parents are watching him and couldn't be more excited. I know it will be good for not only Joe and myself, but also Ryder. Have a great weekend everyone!!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Random updates
We actually haven't gone to physical therapy in about a month and a half. Not because he doesn't need it right now, but because of our insurance. I received a letter in the mail saying that our insurance would cover 6 sessions of physical therapy. Well, when I received that letter, we had already had 6 sessions! So I quickly cancelled the last appt because I did not want to pay a billion dollars (well not a billion, but it's like $300 almost PER HALF HOUR SESSION!---$500 for the initial consult!) And the last few sessions we didn't do a ton of new things because he's not developmentally at the next level--crawling or sitting on his own. (although he's almost there sitting on his own. but as soon as he reaches for something, his fat face gets sucked down by gravity and he hits the deck..haha) After we missed the last session last week, Ryder's PT lady (nancy) called us and asked what was going on. After I talked to her, we decided that at his 6 month well-baby check up, we'll ask our pediatrition to re-submit to our insurance company and we'll start another round of PT. Apparently this is really normal and the insurance company only allows so many sessions at once before they make you re-evaluate with your doctor as to wether or not you still need it. So ryder's 6 month appt is in two weeks and we'll start up in october again with the therapy. If worse comes to worse, Nancy said she would be willing to have us send in pictures of Ryder so she can evaluate his head tilt and would give us things to do over email. How nice is that?! She's so sweet, we love her and so does ryder.
Next update: sleep! I am getting more of it....and so is Ryder! After that week or so of zero sleep "teaching" ryder to sleep, he's done really well. We put him to sleep around 730pm and he will get up for good around 7am. (sometimes earlier with dad, but mom just lets him hang out in his crib for awhile because she's not ready to get up at 6am!) Typically he wakes up once around 4-5am but either puts himself back to sleep within a few minutes or we give him his paci and he goes right back to sleep. So like I said, he does really well with sleep now. Mom and dad are elated! Even better though: I officially have trained my boobs that if I pump at 10 before I go to bed, I can make it to 7am to feed ryder WITHOUT getting up in the middle of the night to pump. Yessssssssssssss! Between getting my nights mostly back and our evenings after he goes to sleep for the night where Joe and I can actually hang out together, I feel like a whole new woman! I'm sure now he'll start teething and it will be all over, but that's how it goes!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Dinner time is "mmmm" time :)
I had to post a little video of Ryder eating (well, two videos). It's so funny when he eats, he makes this "aammmmm" noise every time he takes a spoonful. hehe. And half way through the video, he gives a really cute laugh to Joe when he's feeding him. Melts my heart :) BUT the next video is even better involves taking a poop at the dinner table..bahaha!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The old Boob vs Bottle debate
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Flash Me (last) Friday: what's around you
I love this pictures that Grandma Amy took by the lake. If you notice, his hat says "I hunt for hugs". Very appropriate for the opening of grouse hunting!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Happy Birthday, Joe!
Anyways, this year is a bit different. Joe had a long day of traveling (to Eau Claire, WI!) and his gift is a bit different as well. This year he got some new Under Amour workout shirts and an iTUNES giftcard from Ryder. He really didn't "need" anything he said. But at least we're going out to eat tonight with the Haskins clan and the place we're going has a Haskins bday classic: red velvet cake!!