Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Random updates

I've had a few people ask me about updates regarding Ryder's physical therapy and also Ryder's sleeping habits I thought I'd update.

We actually haven't gone to physical therapy in about a month and a half. Not because he doesn't need it right now, but because of our insurance. I received a letter in the mail saying that our insurance would cover 6 sessions of physical therapy. Well, when I received that letter, we had already had 6 sessions! So I quickly cancelled the last appt because I did not want to pay a billion dollars (well not a billion, but it's like $300 almost PER HALF HOUR SESSION!---$500 for the initial consult!) And the last few sessions we didn't do a ton of new things because he's not developmentally at the next level--crawling or sitting on his own. (although he's almost there sitting on his own. but as soon as he reaches for something, his fat face gets sucked down by gravity and he hits the deck..haha) After we missed the last session last week, Ryder's PT lady (nancy) called us and asked what was going on. After I talked to her, we decided that at his 6 month well-baby check up, we'll ask our pediatrition to re-submit to our insurance company and we'll start another round of PT. Apparently this is really normal and the insurance company only allows so many sessions at once before they make you re-evaluate with your doctor as to wether or not you still need it. So ryder's 6 month appt is in two weeks and we'll start up in october again with the therapy. If worse comes to worse, Nancy said she would be willing to have us send in pictures of Ryder so she can evaluate his head tilt and would give us things to do over email. How nice is that?! She's so sweet, we love her and so does ryder.

Next update: sleep! I am getting more of it....and so is Ryder! After that week or so of zero sleep "teaching" ryder to sleep, he's done really well. We put him to sleep around 730pm and he will get up for good around 7am. (sometimes earlier with dad, but mom just lets him hang out in his crib for awhile because she's not ready to get up at 6am!) Typically he wakes up once around 4-5am but either puts himself back to sleep within a few minutes or we give him his paci and he goes right back to sleep. So like I said, he does really well with sleep now. Mom and dad are elated! Even better though: I officially have trained my boobs that if I pump at 10 before I go to bed, I can make it to 7am to feed ryder WITHOUT getting up in the middle of the night to pump. Yessssssssssssss! Between getting my nights mostly back and our evenings after he goes to sleep for the night where Joe and I can actually hang out together, I feel like a whole new woman! I'm sure now he'll start teething and it will be all over, but that's how it goes!