Friday, December 17, 2010

No changes at physical therapy

We had Ryder's monthly PT appointment on Wednesday this week. Long story short, he has not gotten worse but he has not gotten better either. Also, since he still is just sitting and developmentally has not done anything different, Nancy (the therapist) said that there is not much we can do new until he progresses more. So we have the same exercises to do along with a few exercises that are new that are not aimed at strengthening his neck, but at getting him to progess developmental-wise. For instance, we are working with him on moving from sitting to all fours for crawling. We are also supposed to start working on him kneeling infront of the steps to start to strengthen those fat legs :) So for now, there are no changes, but at least he hasn't gotten any worse I guess.

Well everyone enjoy the weekend!! ...I work all.weekend.long. BOOOOOOO.


  1. What do they say about jumperoos for exercises? I have a jump thing that you hang from a doorway and they jump like crazy. Finn loved it - but we don't use it much anymore if you want to borrow it. Or maybe these are really bad for babies? No clue!

  2. I have no clue if they are bad or not. They haven't really said anything to me about them. I'm guessing the one that hangs in the doorway MIGHT be bad for Fat Face because we weighed him the other day and he's about 25lbs....I don't know if the door frame could hold him :) The jumperoo will probably be fine for awhile. Thanks though!

  3. HOLY SHNIKES - 25 pounds?!?!?! Jack (3 years) weighs 30 lbs! ha ha. But he looks like a starved child. Oh Ryder, we love your chub.
