Monday, November 29, 2010

From three to two...

Ryder has never been a great napper by any means. For the last few months he takes three naps a day. One relatively long one (one hour or sometimes, if I were lucky, an hour and a half nap) in the morning and then two short ones in the afternoon: One half hour nap in the early afternoon and then another half hour or 45 min nap in the late afternoon. Well for the last week now, he has been skipping the last nap of the day. At first I thought I wouldn't like this, but he has started to convert to two longer naps instead. This is a good thing because I can actually get some stuff done around the house. And rather than stay up two hours in between naps like he used to do, he stays up three hours between naps now. He has a really good schedule working now (anyone who knows me, knows that I like this).

You probably don't care, but I'll write it out anyways! He wakes up around 630, but I get him out of his crib between 7 and 730. Then he goes back down for his nap around 930 to 10am. Then he sleeps for an hour and a half. then he goes back down again for another nap around 130 to 2pm. And then he sleeps for another hour and a half (or like today, an hour and 45 min!). Then he's to bed for the night by 7pm-715pm. Of course, I'm sure now that I have said this is his new "good schedule" he'll change it. But hopefully not!!

Anyways, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with our families. I ate plenty...and then some. It wouldn't be a good Thanksgiving without overindulging, right?! Now on to my favorite holiday: CHRISTMAS!! The tree is up and I have about ten presents under the tree already wrapped..ha! This week's chore: get all of our Department 56 snow village up. So exciting! And of course as tradition follows, it is the third annual December Girls Get together at my house: cookie decorating and secret santa this Sunday!! I can't WAIT! Have a good week.

Here's a picture of little bubba in his Christmas pjs!


  1. That is the cutest little Christmas outfit I have ever seen in my life. Jack took two naps until a little after he turned 1, so I think you'll be in the clear for a while. Finn has been down to one nap for about a month now, but I like it because both boys nap at the same time and FInn usually naps for 3 hours!

    Have fun this Sunday!

  2. i LOVE his christmas pj's. i wonder if they come in my size...
