Today we had Ryder's 6 month professional photo session with the same lady who did his newborn photos when he was just 7 days old. Unfortunately we had to wake him up from his nap early to get him to the session on time, so he was still a bit sleepy. He wasn't cranky or fussy, but he just wasn't as smiley as he normally is. I think also since Paula (the photographer) was new to him, he just was staring at her. No smiles. No frowns. Just staring. haha. It was funny. I think he cracked a few smiles off here and there and she might have gotten some. Fortunately he's cute even when he doesn't smile, so we're good. As soon as we have the pictures back, 2 weeks she said, I'll post them! Also, Ryder's 6 month doctors appt is next Tuesday. Stay tuned for an update with that. How chubby could he possibly be?? At his 4 month appt he was 16.2lbs. I'm guessing he's 18lbs or so?? No clue, we'll see though.
Go TWINS!!! Beat those yanks!
Bouncing around in his new "jumperoo" 
Check out that fuzzy hair coming in finally on top of his head!!
Grandma Sharol took Ryder to the park. He LOVES the swing. And he has a large face, too.
Happy (half) birthday to your little one! He is a doll!