Tuesday, November 17, 2009

21 weeks and counting

This is my first attempt at a blog. I thought it would be nice so family and friends can see pictures/hear new updates easily.

Joe and I had a really fun week last week. We found out we are having a little baby boy! We decided on the name Ryder. As for a middle name, MY choice would be Francis. It's Joe's middle name, my dad's middle name, my grandpa's first name and his grandpa's name. So since it's coming down both sides of the family, that's the name. Joe says it's sissy and the middle name should be james instead...I like it. But it's not in the family! Who will win?? hehe.

I'm very excited as this week I'm finally starting to "pop". I had someone ask me how far along I was at Lifetime Fitness last night. That was the first time someone I didn't know mentioned me being pregnant. Which means I must be actually starting to look like I dont just have a beer gut anymore!! I have one pair of jeans that I can wear still and anytime I sit down I have to unbutton my pants. I refuse to buy a pair of maternity jeans yet. I'm holding off as long as possible!!

We also ordered bedding, a crib, and a dresser. That should be here in 2-3 weeks and I'll post pictures when I get it set up. Jenna's sisters (Megan and Nikki) are going to come down and paint the nursery and decorate it for us....because if you know me at all you know that I a)have no decorating sense and b)have zero patience for painting and all that it entails. So I can't wait to have them down. They should be doing the nursery end of Dec/first week in January.

Interesting fact from the baby book for the week: This week Ryder's tastebuds are working and the baby can taste the foods I eat. I think his favorite two foods will be pizza and hashbrowns....


  1. What a great idea so we can all follow along!!

  2. C & J
    I love this!!
    See you soon.
    Amy Grace

  3. What a great tool for a mother-in-law:) No chance of becoming annoying!!! Love, Grandma Amy

  4. carly! i love that you started a blog for ryder! i started a blog too... check it out: http://stylehandler.blogspot.com/

  5. Psalm 139
    How wonderful are the work of your hands oh Lord, In secret you knit me in my mothers womb,
    you know my form before I came into being..you
    know when I sit and when I stand, you know my in
    most thoughts I am yours oh Lord...thank you for
    creating me so wonderful.
