Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Physical Therapy update

Well, since two weeks ago when we went to ryder's PT appointment he has improved a LOT. We got rid of the bumbo chair and have worked extra hard on his strengthening exercises. His tilt is now at only 6-7 degrees. (He started at a 15-20 degree tilt, so we've come a long way). He also has NOT developed any compensation strength issues. That is when babies with torticollis/head tilt become stronger on one side of the body (the side ab muscles, their shoulder strength etc) because they are compensating for their weak side. She said when he does tummy time, he's centered and puts weight evenly on his arms. Apparently almost all babies with torticollis develop this one-sided muscle strength-so the therapist was really happy he hadn't and she doesnt think he will. She's very opptimistic about him eventually not needing to come to PT and only coming in for check ups every once in awhile. So I was very happy about that.

On another note, Ryder has his first little cold. I got a cold really badly, then I passed it to Joe and also ryder. Although Ryder doesnt seem bothered by it too much. He snots at the nose and his eyes water and he sneezes a lot, but he's still smiling and laughing, so I guess that is good. Oh, and he doesnt sleep. But that's unrelated to his cold because he's been doing this for a long time now. Almost a month where his naps are 35-45 minutes max. He'll get so overly tired it's really hard to put him to sleep. Sometimes he is so overly tired that he will fall asleep after screaming for about 15 min, then he wakes up ten to 15 minutes later and does it again. It is driving me nuts, I feel so bad for the poor little guy. The only time I can get him to sleep for an hour or so is to have him in his swing. It's a terrible habit, but what's worse: not sleeping, or developing bad sleep habits in the swing?? speak of the devil, he's up after 15 minutes. adios.


  1. I know this won't help any, but I remember the doctor talking to me about the 4 month sleep regression. Is Ryder close to 4 months? Like I said, doesn't help much - but at least you can rest assured it isn't just your child :-) ha ha. I'm glad his neck is getting better. Go Ryder!

  2. He's 4 months a week from tomorrow. So maybe that's it. We have his 4 month appt next week. I have lots of questions for our pediatrition :)
