Tuesday, January 19, 2010

30 weeks down, 10 to go :)

This week we are 30 weeks along, can you believe it?! It seems crazy to look at the count down on this blog page and see that there are only 70 days left...

This week in the books it says that Ryder's eyes can now distinguish between light and dark and research has shown that if you take a bright flashlight and move it slowly over the belly, the baby reacts because babies can see this light. So Joe and I are going to have a light show on my belly tonight and see what happens. No, I'm kidding.

Other updates: Ryder is about 3lbs this week and should be gaining about a half pound per week until birth. Now me on the other hand....we'll see how much I will be gaining each week for the next ten weeks! As you can see by my 7 /1/2 month picture, I've gotten quite a lot bigger since my 7 month picture (below) just 2 weeks ago...and yes...there are still 10 weeks to go!

1 comment:

  1. i dont think you look bigger... the ryder part looks a little more popped i guess.
