Joe and I were very excited coming into this weekend. We originally were going to head up North so Joe could do some hunting, but plans changed and we decided to stay home---so we had NO plans (and were very excited about it). We decided were going to bum around all weekend since it was supposed to be so nice out. Friday we were going to do nothing. Saturday night we were going out for our 3 year anniversary that is coming up on Tuesday. And Sunday the new plan was to head to the apple orchard. But alas...I have found out that I should never look forward to weekends like these, because something always happens where we can't enjoy it like we planned. (Or maybe this is what I've learned: you can't plan crap when you have a kid because it never works out--yes, that sounds more accurate)
Anyways, the story goes like this...Joe and I have a cold all week. Ryder seems to magically miss out on it during the week. Friday we head to our favorite place to eat that we can bring Ryder to (Ruby Tuesdays--we go here a lot). He was in such a good mood all day, the weather was gorgeous, he was great at Ruby Tuesdays, and he went to bed like a perfect angel. Since I worked the night before and we were both feeling like we needed a good night's sleep from being sick all week, we were in bed at (don't laugh!) 9pm on Friday. And you know what?? I was SOOO freaking thrilled! Until Ryder woke up screaming bloody murder at 10pm and was snotty, congested, feverish, and inconsolable (for almost two hours, no joke). He fell back asleep after midnight and then was up doing the same thing again from 4am to 630. Fell back asleep...aaaaand....awake for the day at 730. YAY! So saturday is pretty much shot because we were all sleepless and Ryder was miserable and fussy and clingy.
Because we had a babysitter lined up (Thank you Paul and Amy!) and it was to celebrate our anniversary and honestly, we needed a little break from a crying baby--we went out to eat/to a movie. It was nice, but it was hard to enjoy knowing Ryder was at home feeling so bad. Anyways, Saturday night Ryder would randomly wake up and whine/cry but nothing like the night before. He was pulling on his ears and was running a temp, so we took him to urgent care after a much needed morning nap today. We got an antibiotic for his ears and we thought, since he seemed to be feeling better, that we would still attempt to go to the orchard to take his mind off of him feeling so crappy. This is how it went:
Here is a picture of the happiest he was the whole time we were there. (And that would not be very happy...)
In fact, he prefered me to get out of his face....see below....
So Joe and I pretended like we were having a blast instead. Can't you tell? :)

So we just chalked this weekend up as a loss and decided we will no longer plan any fun weekends anymore because every time we do, something like this happens! haha. Oh well. I'm glad Ryder is feeling a little bit better, that's all that matters. Oooooh, one more funny story. When the pediatrition came in at urgent care and was talking to us and trying to assess Ryder, she kept laughing at him because he was giving her the biggest stank eye you have ever seen. She actually said, and I quote, "I see a LOT of stubborn children, but no one as stubborn as him in a long time!" Welcome to our world, lady ;)
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