Lately, we have
not seen a lot of this:

I'm not kidding, it has been
the loooongest three, almost four weeks of our lives. Sorry to throw the Johnson family under the bus, but after a family function on my mom's side we all picked up a nice little cold---which was the culprit of the "disasterous month". After about a week of a no sleep and crabby, sick-with-a-cold-baby...we found out Ryder's cold turned into an ear infection. Awesome, but at least there was an end in sight after we got some antibiotics (or so we thought). After battling the never ending cold (which I have learned with a children who can't blow their nose,s colds seriously last f.o.r.e.v.e.r.--->right all you moms out there??), his ear tugging stopped and he slept somewhat better for a few days. Less waking up in the middle of the night etc. That was until this last weekend after we finished all ten days of the amoxicillin, Ryder busts out in hives. Yep, allergic to the antibiotic. Great. If anyone has had hives, you know how much fun those are. And to top it off, I am 99% sure Ryder is now cutting his 2 year molars on the bottom. More good times. The hives were pretty much gone today and we are looking forward to a better week.

One of Ryder's favorite activities outside lately has been "helping" mom sweep out the garage. I'm getting nervous as the weather gets colder, because I start thinking "what the H-E-double-hockey-sticks are we going to do all winter???" Suggestions appreciated!! I know it's going to be nice this weekend so we'll be doing as much outdoors stuff as we possibly can! And I know this next picture looks like he's crapping his pants, but really he's screetching and yelling with excitement over the garage doors opening and closing. I never knew how entertaining that could be....

Happy baby! Have a good rest of the week everyone!!

Jack is allergic to amoxicillin. It was no fun finding out. Poor Ryder. Stay healthy Haskins :-)