Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Current favorite activity
I am also very excited because we officially ordered the dresser, which will be here in a couple weeks. And we picked out a crib and are going this weekend to buy it. And the PINK and WHITE bedding is also bought (yep, all girlie girl...all the way!) The nursery will be done over the Holiday season/winter break by Jenna's two older sisters and when it's done, you can be sure I'll be posting pictures!
Also, a shout out to my brother-in-law, Logan Haskins---> Happy 30th birthday this week!!!
Ryder's 18 month appt
Head: 50cm-->95% (at 15 months he was 48 cm and was 90% for head)
Let me also remind you that my head only measures 54 cm....he's got the big Haskins' head for sure!! But I love his big head...part of his charm I'd say ;) So the pediatrition said he's a big boy and there was nothing to be concerned about and that he looks great! Oh, and she also said that he has the "most perfect cheeks"---and she's right!
And then we had my grandparents come down Monday morning and they stayed through Tuesday morning. He was in SUCH a good mood all day Monday, I was so happy that he was good for them and playful with them. It usually takes him quite a long time to warm up to people that aren't in the "safe six" (mom/dad, and both sets of grandparents), but within 20 minutes of them being here, he was playing and interacting with them. I was happy about that. He even had some snuggle time with Great Grandma on Monday afternoon after his nap, and with Great Grandpa Tuesday morning when he woke up!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Hodge podge

Monday, October 10, 2011
16 week belly pictures
Friday, October 7, 2011
16 week appointment
I had my 16 week appointment today, and all is well. I'm gaining weight nicely (if there is such a thing), but not too much weight or anything, so that's good. My blood pressure is great. I was a bit annoyed because when we listened to the heart rate, the OB "guessed" the heart rate was in the 140's--but she was doing it by ear and not really calculating it since she "forgot her watch" today and the baby was moving around so much you couldn't hear it very well anyways. Either way, I know it's just an old wives tale, but we must be having a little boy! Our 20 week ultrasound appointment is on November 1st., so only time will tell.
I was thankful that Joe was able to jet out of work briefly to attend the drs appt so he could entertain Ryder while I was busy with the doctor. And it was a good thing that he was able to come because about 30 seconds before the lady called my name to come to the back room, Ryder so conveniently took a big, stinky dump....I was happy to leave Daddy to clean that one up :)
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Baby movement
But I now have something special to remind me that I am indeed pregnant and not just having this crazy expanding body: baby movement! I felt movement with Ryder sometime between 16 and 17 weeks last time, but this baby I felt at 15 weeks. It's always at the same time every night when I finally sit down and kick my feet up after Ryder goes to bed. It makes it seem more real and brings a smile to my face every time :)
Today we had Ryder's 18 month photos taken with our favorite photographer: Paula Charchenko of Paulie Marie Creative photography. She's done all of Ryder's pictures since his newborn photos...and she's AWESOME. We went to this adorable little farm in Eden Prairie for a mini photo session (who can get an 18 month old to do pictures for longer than a half hour anyways, right?). Here's just one sneak peak photo that Paula posted on my facebook wall--a teaser if you will. I can't wait to see how the rest look! I will post them as soon as I get them back.

Doesn't he look like SUCH a big boy?? Crazy how time flies. Speaking of time flying, tomorrow I have my 16 week appointment. And that means that I will schedule our 20 week ultrasound there tomorrow---which is when we find out if we're having a boy or girl!! Woo hoo!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Our weekend fell flat on it's face
In fact, he prefered me to get out of his face....see below....
So Joe and I pretended like we were having a blast instead. Can't you tell? :)
So we just chalked this weekend up as a loss and decided we will no longer plan any fun weekends anymore because every time we do, something like this happens! haha. Oh well. I'm glad Ryder is feeling a little bit better, that's all that matters. Oooooh, one more funny story. When the pediatrition came in at urgent care and was talking to us and trying to assess Ryder, she kept laughing at him because he was giving her the biggest stank eye you have ever seen. She actually said, and I quote, "I see a LOT of stubborn children, but no one as stubborn as him in a long time!" Welcome to our world, lady ;)