Friday, July 23, 2010

Flash Me Friday: where you hang out

This week's Flash Me Friday: where you chill out (otherwise known as the living room couch). If you want to join in on the fun, head over to Jen's blog :)

Here is our living room couch (please ignore the disaster of a mess...I've had a bad neck this week!) You kind of need to look close, but notice that the chaise lounge part of the couch has my butt print sagging in where I usually am if Ryder is sleeping. Whoever gets to the couch first usually sits in that spot. So I guess Joe helps me make that butt imprint....

And here is the excessively large screen TV that is always on in our house too. Once Ryder is old enough to actually watch tv, I'll have to start turning it off so he doesn't get into such bad habits of always watching it like his mom! (Sorry the picture is dark, I forgot to open the blinds after I took the picture of the couch)

On a sucky note: it's my first three day, 12 hour shifts weekend of work. I'm DREADING it because I will literally do nothing but work and sleep (well, hopefully sleep, that is). So I won't get to see my boys :( I'm still waiting on that damn lottery.....maybe I'll start buying some tickets someday so I can actually win it haha. Have a good weekend everyone!

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