Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My first chiropractic appt

When I woke up today my neck was still stiff as can be and I was still in pain. Oddly enough, we just received a flyer in the mail yesterday for a chiropractic clinic that was giving free exams/consult, and xrays to new patients. I called them and got in today. I was really nervous going there because I have never been to the chiro before and it's rather scary getting your spine cracked and manipulated. I told the lady how I did it and the symptoms I have been having. Then when she did my exam, the doctor told me that if she wouldn't have known how this occured (just a simple bend-and-reach action), she would have guessed I had whiplash from a car accident. She was feeling my muscles and told me that I "did quite a number" to myself I was so stiff. Anyways, if any of you have been to the chiro before, you probably remember your first time. She had my head in her big man hands and was kinda circling it around and kept saying, "relax, it's okay. just relax" in a very soothing voice. Then she said, "you're not relaxing." I said, "That's because I know what's coming..." haha. finally she did it and there was the loudest crack. Then she did my other side and then my back too. We did some xrays and she told me that since my muscles were so inflammed and I was so tight that I would actually feel a little worse afterwards (which I did). I am going back in tomorrow morning and she's going to readjust me again. I really am hoping that I feel better before this weekend because it's my first long weekend back at work. In my current situation, I would NOT be able to work...and unfortunately I do not have any sick time accrued since my maternity leave sucked it all up. So basically I'm screwed if I don't feel better. But I have high hopes and I'm praying that I feel better by Friday. That gives me a few days...and it's sad because I can't really lift my baby because it strains and hurts. I miss holding and smooching him :( To be continued.....


  1. "YEAH!!! Im glad you have finally experienced a Chiro you will start feeling so much better. It does take a few days for your body to understand what is going on. Sad that it has affected holding your lil love. Get Better Soon!

  2. drink LOTS of water. like an abnormal amount. it helps with chiro adjustments for some reason.
