My 2008 Nissan Altima (a little better than the Cam Cam, anyone remember my good old `92 Camry?!?)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Flash Me Friday: your car
This week's Flash Me Friday is your car. If you want to join in on the fun, check out Jen's blog.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Physical Therapy update
Well, since two weeks ago when we went to ryder's PT appointment he has improved a LOT. We got rid of the bumbo chair and have worked extra hard on his strengthening exercises. His tilt is now at only 6-7 degrees. (He started at a 15-20 degree tilt, so we've come a long way). He also has NOT developed any compensation strength issues. That is when babies with torticollis/head tilt become stronger on one side of the body (the side ab muscles, their shoulder strength etc) because they are compensating for their weak side. She said when he does tummy time, he's centered and puts weight evenly on his arms. Apparently almost all babies with torticollis develop this one-sided muscle strength-so the therapist was really happy he hadn't and she doesnt think he will. She's very opptimistic about him eventually not needing to come to PT and only coming in for check ups every once in awhile. So I was very happy about that.
On another note, Ryder has his first little cold. I got a cold really badly, then I passed it to Joe and also ryder. Although Ryder doesnt seem bothered by it too much. He snots at the nose and his eyes water and he sneezes a lot, but he's still smiling and laughing, so I guess that is good. Oh, and he doesnt sleep. But that's unrelated to his cold because he's been doing this for a long time now. Almost a month where his naps are 35-45 minutes max. He'll get so overly tired it's really hard to put him to sleep. Sometimes he is so overly tired that he will fall asleep after screaming for about 15 min, then he wakes up ten to 15 minutes later and does it again. It is driving me nuts, I feel so bad for the poor little guy. The only time I can get him to sleep for an hour or so is to have him in his swing. It's a terrible habit, but what's worse: not sleeping, or developing bad sleep habits in the swing?? speak of the devil, he's up after 15 minutes. adios.
On another note, Ryder has his first little cold. I got a cold really badly, then I passed it to Joe and also ryder. Although Ryder doesnt seem bothered by it too much. He snots at the nose and his eyes water and he sneezes a lot, but he's still smiling and laughing, so I guess that is good. Oh, and he doesnt sleep. But that's unrelated to his cold because he's been doing this for a long time now. Almost a month where his naps are 35-45 minutes max. He'll get so overly tired it's really hard to put him to sleep. Sometimes he is so overly tired that he will fall asleep after screaming for about 15 min, then he wakes up ten to 15 minutes later and does it again. It is driving me nuts, I feel so bad for the poor little guy. The only time I can get him to sleep for an hour or so is to have him in his swing. It's a terrible habit, but what's worse: not sleeping, or developing bad sleep habits in the swing?? speak of the devil, he's up after 15 minutes. adios.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Flash Me Friday: where you hang out
This week's Flash Me Friday: where you chill out (otherwise known as the living room couch). If you want to join in on the fun, head over to Jen's blog :)

On a sucky note: it's my first three day, 12 hour shifts weekend of work. I'm DREADING it because I will literally do nothing but work and sleep (well, hopefully sleep, that is). So I won't get to see my boys :( I'm still waiting on that damn lottery.....maybe I'll start buying some tickets someday so I can actually win it haha. Have a good weekend everyone!
Here is our living room couch (please ignore the disaster of a mess...I've had a bad neck this week!) You kind of need to look close, but notice that the chaise lounge part of the couch has my butt print sagging in where I usually am if Ryder is sleeping. Whoever gets to the couch first usually sits in that spot. So I guess Joe helps me make that butt imprint....
And here is the excessively large screen TV that is always on in our house too. Once Ryder is old enough to actually watch tv, I'll have to start turning it off so he doesn't get into such bad habits of always watching it like his mom! (Sorry the picture is dark, I forgot to open the blinds after I took the picture of the couch)
On a sucky note: it's my first three day, 12 hour shifts weekend of work. I'm DREADING it because I will literally do nothing but work and sleep (well, hopefully sleep, that is). So I won't get to see my boys :( I'm still waiting on that damn lottery.....maybe I'll start buying some tickets someday so I can actually win it haha. Have a good weekend everyone!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
My first chiropractic appt
When I woke up today my neck was still stiff as can be and I was still in pain. Oddly enough, we just received a flyer in the mail yesterday for a chiropractic clinic that was giving free exams/consult, and xrays to new patients. I called them and got in today. I was really nervous going there because I have never been to the chiro before and it's rather scary getting your spine cracked and manipulated. I told the lady how I did it and the symptoms I have been having. Then when she did my exam, the doctor told me that if she wouldn't have known how this occured (just a simple bend-and-reach action), she would have guessed I had whiplash from a car accident. She was feeling my muscles and told me that I "did quite a number" to myself I was so stiff. Anyways, if any of you have been to the chiro before, you probably remember your first time. She had my head in her big man hands and was kinda circling it around and kept saying, "relax, it's okay. just relax" in a very soothing voice. Then she said, "you're not relaxing." I said, "That's because I know what's coming..." haha. finally she did it and there was the loudest crack. Then she did my other side and then my back too. We did some xrays and she told me that since my muscles were so inflammed and I was so tight that I would actually feel a little worse afterwards (which I did). I am going back in tomorrow morning and she's going to readjust me again. I really am hoping that I feel better before this weekend because it's my first long weekend back at work. In my current situation, I would NOT be able to work...and unfortunately I do not have any sick time accrued since my maternity leave sucked it all up. So basically I'm screwed if I don't feel better. But I have high hopes and I'm praying that I feel better by Friday. That gives me a few days...and it's sad because I can't really lift my baby because it strains and hurts. I miss holding and smooching him :( To be continued.....
Monday, July 19, 2010
ICY HOT+hot shower=BAD
Over the 4th of July weekend, I slept on my neck wrong. Really, really wrong and I was super stiff and it hurt for about 2 days before it got better. Since then I keep "re-injuring" it by doing the littlest things, like reaching for something, or turning to look over my shoulder when I change lanes in my car, etc. Usually it's just a little twinge and it's okay a little later.
WELL this morning I, again, did some little tiny dumb movment and I felt something click in my neck and basically since then I have been stiff as can be and in pain. I look like I have a rod up my back through the top of my head---I have very good posture I guess! I seriously have to sit like that otherwise I'm in pain. It's a lovely shooting pain that goes down my neck, through my shoulders and down past my shoulder blade. super. ANYWAYS, thank God my mom and my cousin ashley came down today otherwise I wouldn't have been able to do anything. It's so incredibly dibilitating to have back/neck injuries. You literally use those muscles for e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. So my mom was so kind to run to Target and get me a hot pad, aleve, and some roll on aspertame sports type cream (think: Icy Hot). It felt really good after she put it on....then I decided I wanted to take a nice hot shower to try and loosen up a bit a couple hours after she had put the cream on. DONT EVER DO THAT. I was in the shower and at first I thought...hmmm, that kinda hurts. Then about 30 seconds later I thought...there must be a million fire ants on my back, it hurt so bad. I finished my shower in luke warm water so I wouldnt die a terrible fire death, and when I got out, I was an absolute lobster where the cream had been rolled on. Yikes. About a half hour later, it's finally not burning anymore. Just thought everyone could learn from my mistakes :)
And I had a few people ask, but yes--I did miss last Friday's "flash me friday". I kinda got busy and before I knew it, it was Sunday. So I will do it again this Friday. Enjoy the rest of your week!
WELL this morning I, again, did some little tiny dumb movment and I felt something click in my neck and basically since then I have been stiff as can be and in pain. I look like I have a rod up my back through the top of my head---I have very good posture I guess! I seriously have to sit like that otherwise I'm in pain. It's a lovely shooting pain that goes down my neck, through my shoulders and down past my shoulder blade. super. ANYWAYS, thank God my mom and my cousin ashley came down today otherwise I wouldn't have been able to do anything. It's so incredibly dibilitating to have back/neck injuries. You literally use those muscles for e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. So my mom was so kind to run to Target and get me a hot pad, aleve, and some roll on aspertame sports type cream (think: Icy Hot). It felt really good after she put it on....then I decided I wanted to take a nice hot shower to try and loosen up a bit a couple hours after she had put the cream on. DONT EVER DO THAT. I was in the shower and at first I thought...hmmm, that kinda hurts. Then about 30 seconds later I thought...there must be a million fire ants on my back, it hurt so bad. I finished my shower in luke warm water so I wouldnt die a terrible fire death, and when I got out, I was an absolute lobster where the cream had been rolled on. Yikes. About a half hour later, it's finally not burning anymore. Just thought everyone could learn from my mistakes :)
And I had a few people ask, but yes--I did miss last Friday's "flash me friday". I kinda got busy and before I knew it, it was Sunday. So I will do it again this Friday. Enjoy the rest of your week!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Another PT appointment
So we had another PT appointment today. I'm sad to report that Ryder, although still waaaay better than his first time in, has REGRESSED. booooo! His head tilt has increased (meaning his degree of head tilt is larger than the last appointment). The therapist said it could be due to a number of things, but she said it was significant enough that she wanted to brainstorm if we were doing anything different that could have changed things. After talking a bit, we figured out that we have been doing a lot more bumbo chair time (the picture below shows what a bumbo chair is). And since Ryder's head control is alot better and he doesnt flop it around anymore, so we haven't been supporting his head while in the chair either. Yes, he tilts his head to the side when he sits in it, but we thought since his head wasn't flopping all the over the place, that it was good to get him off the back of his head for a little bit and strengthen his muscles. WELL. I learned from the therapist that when a baby has torticollis (that's what his head tilt condition is called), that putting them in the bumbo chair without completely supporting their head is actually counter-productive! As his head tilts to the side and stretches more of the opposite side neck muscle, it actually weakens that muscle. And that is the muscle that we are working hard to strengthen in order to be able to pull his head up and straight. SO, I came home and put the bumbo chair away until his head tilt is gone. Which is a bummer, because he likes the bumbo chair. So does Mommy too because I can sit infront of him and play with him and look at him. Oh well, what are you going to do? So it's back to working really hard on his exercises to try and nip this torticollis thing in the booty.

On another side note: Ryder has been drooling excessively lately, as well as chewing on his hands all the time more than usual. He also has been having LOTS of juicy poops too. Is he starting the teething process already??? I heard that is not that fun of a time....oh well--I do love when babies get those two bottom teeth :)
PS: I wonder how bad it will hurt the first time he chomps on my booby with those teeth?? haha. I can't wait......

Maybe his cheek is too heavy and that's why his head tilts that way...
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Flash Me Friday: the kitchen
This weeks Flash Me Friday: the kitchen. If you want to join in on the fun---head over to Jen's blog to see what it's all about!
Looking at the kitchen from the living room (and yes, Ryder is in his carrier on the table...we just got back from a car trip and he was sleeping...never disturb a sleeping baby!!)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
My first night back at work....(sucked)
Yesterday as I was preparing to go to work, I would start to cry everytime I looked at Ryder. So for about an hour or so before work, I just had to keep looking away from him because I'd start to think about leaving my baby :( I pretty much sobbed hard for 10 minutes when I left, but then I decided I couldn't go into work with a blotchy red face. So I stopped. But I was so sad to leave my little bubba. Of course, it wouldn't be the same old work if I didn't get dumped on, right?! It was a lovely little welcome back night--ridiculously busy and chaotic. I am thankful I work with such wonderful ladies (and gents!) that are so helpful.
I don't quite believe them yet, but many of the younger moms at work ALL said that it gets easier and easier each time you leave, and eventually, you come to enjoy getting a break and coming to work to talk with adults :) Like I said, after sobbing yesterday, I'm not ready to believe it yet. I shouldn't complain. I am so lucky to be working very part time. But like I told Joe the other day, I'm a professional complainer!
I am also curious to see how this whole pumping thing at work goes over the next few weeks. It's actually a pain in the ass to do it at work. With my job, I don't get a set break time/lunch time etc. It's a "go when you can, IF you can" kinda thing. It's funny, there are so many new moms at work that there were four of us who were taking turns using the ICU classroom for our pumping sessions. There were four pumping bags set up on the table and, luckily, there is a sink with dishsoap in the room so you would also see all the bottles and pump accessories lined up drying on paper towels scattered across the table. When one of us was pumping, we'd put a sign up that says, "please do not disturb". It's like a dairy farm back there :)
I don't quite believe them yet, but many of the younger moms at work ALL said that it gets easier and easier each time you leave, and eventually, you come to enjoy getting a break and coming to work to talk with adults :) Like I said, after sobbing yesterday, I'm not ready to believe it yet. I shouldn't complain. I am so lucky to be working very part time. But like I told Joe the other day, I'm a professional complainer!
I am also curious to see how this whole pumping thing at work goes over the next few weeks. It's actually a pain in the ass to do it at work. With my job, I don't get a set break time/lunch time etc. It's a "go when you can, IF you can" kinda thing. It's funny, there are so many new moms at work that there were four of us who were taking turns using the ICU classroom for our pumping sessions. There were four pumping bags set up on the table and, luckily, there is a sink with dishsoap in the room so you would also see all the bottles and pump accessories lined up drying on paper towels scattered across the table. When one of us was pumping, we'd put a sign up that says, "please do not disturb". It's like a dairy farm back there :)
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