Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dr. Appt update

I had a doctors appointment today. Everything is looking great she said. My belly is measuring right where I should be for 31 weeks. I was only in 3 weeks ago, and since my last appointment I gained 3 1/2 three weeks! That's the most I've gained at ANY appointment and usually my appointments are a whole month apart-not three weeks! Maybe its all the burgers/fries/ice cream/pizza/etc I've been eating so much lately....

Anyways, so about a week ago or so I remember feeling Ryder make a big turn/movement inside of me. He used to kinda be lying sideways/diagonal in me, but at my appointment today the doctor said he flipped so he's now head down (hence the whole having to pee way more than before) and his back is on my right and not my left anymore. So at least he's not breech! It's still early and she said he might still flip around a little, but usually by week 33-34 the doctor said that the baby has picked a position he'll stay in for the rest of pregnancy. Let's hope that he stays head down :)


  1. in the baby counter gadget you have on your blog it shows the baby moving around so easily... like in a snow globe. i just assumed that's what the baby was doing. interesting to hear your description of his actual movements.

  2. haha, a snow globe! I love you, Cam :) You know, when I first started feeling Ryder move it was like a flutter. But as he's gotten bigger-this sounds odd-but feeling him move is exactly what you think it would feel like if something small was punching and kicking you from inside. It doesn't hurt (unless he catches a rib) because he's so small. But like I said, it sounds ood to say that, but it's true. Like having my own little alien inside of me :)
