Tuesday, January 5, 2010

7 months!

This week has been pretty neat. I am able to push around my belly and feel where his head, back, etc is which continues to amaze me that there is a little human in there....more so...OUR little human being! He moves SO much now and has officially started invading my breathing space. Last night at work I felt like I couldn't catch my breath and had to lean back in my chair when sitting down.

Our books this week say that he's about 2.5 lbs and is about 14 inches long from head to toe. He officially can open and shut his eyes fully now--he can blink!

It's funny because yesterday Joe was reading the weekly chapter and it started off by saying, "you are now only 12 short weeks from your official due date". Joe and I stopped and said, "WOW, that's not far away AT ALL!" then joe said, "do you realize that in 12 weeks it will never be just you and me....for the rest...of....our...lives???" hahaha. we were momentarily silent as we let that sink in if you can imagine. weird to think about, but still exciting. I will post probably on Thursday my 7 month baby bump picture. I have yet to take it yet.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog. You've done a great job of documenting your pregnancy. I'm really excited for you two. Just imagine... soon you'll be a new mom and have some time off from work: For a while you'll only need to change your baby's diapers... Now that sounds good to me!
