Today I had my 36 week appointment, and per usual, everything checked out normal. Good blood pressure, I'm measuring right at 36 weeks, "good weight gain" (as if there is such a thing...), and the doctor said that I was dilated to 1cm. I really take that with a grain of salt though because when I was pregnant with Ryder, they told me that I was dilated to 1cm at my 36, 37, 38, 39, and 40 week appointment....and I went overdue by a week anyways and had to be induced. So when the doctor tells me I'm dilated to 1cm at 36 weeks, I think that a) it doesn't mean anything and b) it's just an OB doctor's way of being nice and giving "hope" that something might happen.
Then tonight for dinner, we headed to Maple Grove to my parent's house to celebrate their 51st birthdays. My mom turned 51 today and my dad turns 51 on March 2nd. Unfortunately I didn't whip out my camera to take any pictures :( But it was fun and Ryder had a good time too. He was being his wild silly self with Uncle Dave and Grandpa Donn!
And THEN, when we got home, Logan and Amy Grace came over to give us a baby gift. Ryder was tired and almost falling asleep in the car, but when he saw Uncle Logan and Auntie Amy he became a wild man again. He stayed up way past his bedtime running around and rough-housing with the boys. Here is a picture of my sister-in-law, Amy Grace, and me with our pregnant bellies. We're 3 days apart in our due dates!!
And here is a picture of Ryder having Auntie Amy "read" him the photo album before bed. I kept telling him it was time for bed, and this was his way of stalling :)
And the last picture is of Ryder sitting in his old infant car seat. I brought the car seat out last night to make sure we had it all ready and when he saw it tonight, he decided he was going to chill in it for awhile....I'm sure he will have NO issues at all when his sister comes out and is using all of his old stuff...oh wait!
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