I had my 6 month appointment yesterday (better late than never, right?). Things are going well. I slowed my weight gain down (thankfully!) and my blood pressure is normal. When the OB measured my belly, she did say "whoa, you really grew since last time!" Yeah, duh, don't you think I would know that of all people?! She also asked me if I've been feeling the baby move each day, to which I replied yes! She
definitely moves WAY more than Ryder ever did. So while we were on the topic of the moving baby, I asked if it was normal to feel like the baby was kicking me "down there" ....BOTH front and back side. She asked me to describe it a little more, which I did and I will spare you the details (you're welcome). She said that means the baby most likely flipped and she is breech now. She asked me if I am feeling very sharp pains yet down my crotch or in my....butt (for lack of better words), but it's not painful, just uncomfortable. She said to not be alarmed, but as the baby gets bigger, I will feel that the weird and uncomfortable "butt kicks" will be more painful and sharp. Super duper, can't wait. Other than that, everything looks great like I said and I'll go back in at 28 weeks and do the dreaded glucose testing....blah.
On another note, I was playing with Ryder today and I noticed that one of the pictures I took of him he still had his "hang cheeks" that I love so much. When he was younger, his cheeks literally hung lower than his chin/jaw bone and I LOVED it. I haven't seen it in awhile, but I noticed the picture I took of him playing today when he was looking down at his toy....he still has the chubbs mcgee thing going on! It's kind of hard to tell in this picture. I should have made the picture bigger so you could see it, but I'm too lazy to go back and edit it/fix this post!

Have a great rest of the week!
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