Thursday, December 29, 2011
28 weeks/7 month belly picture
Two words: I'm huge. That's it...that's all there is to say! Hahaha. Below is a picture of me at 7 months with Ryder and then the next one is me now.... only slightly bigger, right?? Makes me worried about the next three months to come. How big can one become when they're pregnant is my question! Maybe I shouldn't ponder things like that because I might not like the answer :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Nursery Pictures!
One of my best friend's sisters came over yesterday and did Josie Anne's nursery! Jenna's sisters, Megan and Nikki, worked hard all day long to get it done--and I think their efforts were well worth the 12+ hours of work :) It wasn't what we were expecting at all, but we absolutely LOVE it!! It's very whimsical and what I love about it is that it's girlie without being an explosion of pepto bismal pink.
A picture of the dresser/changing area
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Sorry for the lack of posts...
our computer will no longer charge, so it has a date with best buy geek squad. writing blog posts on your phone is a tad hard, so i'm just throwing a little warning out there to those of you who have asked me where i've posts will be few and far betwen for a few weeks i'm sure :( i'll try to post when i do get the chance randomly though! if you don't hear from me, I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!!!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
6 month appt and hang cheeks
I had my 6 month appointment yesterday (better late than never, right?). Things are going well. I slowed my weight gain down (thankfully!) and my blood pressure is normal. When the OB measured my belly, she did say "whoa, you really grew since last time!" Yeah, duh, don't you think I would know that of all people?! She also asked me if I've been feeling the baby move each day, to which I replied yes! She definitely moves WAY more than Ryder ever did. So while we were on the topic of the moving baby, I asked if it was normal to feel like the baby was kicking me "down there" ....BOTH front and back side. She asked me to describe it a little more, which I did and I will spare you the details (you're welcome). She said that means the baby most likely flipped and she is breech now. She asked me if I am feeling very sharp pains yet down my crotch or in my....butt (for lack of better words), but it's not painful, just uncomfortable. She said to not be alarmed, but as the baby gets bigger, I will feel that the weird and uncomfortable "butt kicks" will be more painful and sharp. Super duper, can't wait. Other than that, everything looks great like I said and I'll go back in at 28 weeks and do the dreaded glucose testing....blah.
On another note, I was playing with Ryder today and I noticed that one of the pictures I took of him he still had his "hang cheeks" that I love so much. When he was younger, his cheeks literally hung lower than his chin/jaw bone and I LOVED it. I haven't seen it in awhile, but I noticed the picture I took of him playing today when he was looking down at his toy....he still has the chubbs mcgee thing going on! It's kind of hard to tell in this picture. I should have made the picture bigger so you could see it, but I'm too lazy to go back and edit it/fix this post!

On another note, I was playing with Ryder today and I noticed that one of the pictures I took of him he still had his "hang cheeks" that I love so much. When he was younger, his cheeks literally hung lower than his chin/jaw bone and I LOVED it. I haven't seen it in awhile, but I noticed the picture I took of him playing today when he was looking down at his toy....he still has the chubbs mcgee thing going on! It's kind of hard to tell in this picture. I should have made the picture bigger so you could see it, but I'm too lazy to go back and edit it/fix this post!

Have a great rest of the week!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Winter Fun
This morning started off with our first driveway shoveling session. We bundled Ryder up (and mom and dad!) and headed outside. It's so funny putting Ryder's boots on because he thinks he can't walk for a few seconds before he realizes that...ahhh yes, he really can walk with these giant 'moon boots' on :) He LOVES walking through the snow and kicking it so it flies up. He also discovered how fun it is to hit the branches of the pine trees and watch the snow fly into the air. One thing he discovered he didn't like was falling face first into the snow and getting his first white-wash! He fell and looked up at us with a completely white face/head and just started screaming. hahaha it was quite the sight to see, I picked him up, dusted him off and started to head inside (assuming he was done with being outside)...but he actually wanted to stay outside and go back into the snow! Isn't this the look of a brave boy?!? I think so ;)

Then I had my 4th annual Haskins' cookie decorating/santa exchange day at our place. There were 12 of us girls who all showed up (the group just keeps getting bigger! Which is way better than getting smaller) We ate a lot of food, decorated some amazing looking cookies--just ask me, I was probably the best cookie decorator out there (wink wink), and had a good time with friends. Here's the group shot infront of the tree (minus Jennie H because she went home sick)

Then I had my 4th annual Haskins' cookie decorating/santa exchange day at our place. There were 12 of us girls who all showed up (the group just keeps getting bigger! Which is way better than getting smaller) We ate a lot of food, decorated some amazing looking cookies--just ask me, I was probably the best cookie decorator out there (wink wink), and had a good time with friends. Here's the group shot infront of the tree (minus Jennie H because she went home sick)
Thursday, December 1, 2011
6 month Belly Picture/Christmas is coming!!
The first picture below is a picture of when I was pregnant with Ryder at six months and the second picture is me pregnant this time around at six months. (seriously...I CANNOT believe I'm already six months along this week!)

It's starting to get harder to get up and down off the floor with Ryder/pick him up etc. And it's only going one way.....harder! But one good thing about my growing belly? It makes a good pillow to read books on :)

It's starting to get harder to get up and down off the floor with Ryder/pick him up etc. And it's only going one way.....harder! But one good thing about my growing belly? It makes a good pillow to read books on :)
As I've mentioned before, I LOVE Christmas! I was so excited to put the tree up and have Ryder get to see the lights and decorations for the first time (last year doesn't count because he was too young). It was really fun, he was so freaking adorable as he "helped" decorate the tree. He helped "stretch" the lights out before we put them on the tree:

And then he realized that it would be more fun if he continued to put non-christmas decorations in the tree. Here he's putting a toy in the tree...

And here he decided to put a kitchen towel in the tree. The tree has only been up ONE day so far, so I'll be curious to see what other "decorations" he puts in the tree over the next month!

And I had a wonderful day (thank you MOM for watching Ryder!!!) finishing up my Christmas shopping with my girlfriend, Jenna. Yes, you read that's December 1st and I'm D.O.N.E. with all my shopping :) And, because I'm a crazy psycho lady I also managed to wrap them all and get them under the tree after Ryder went to bed tonight!!!!!!! (this makes me insanely happy)
And then he realized that it would be more fun if he continued to put non-christmas decorations in the tree. Here he's putting a toy in the tree...
And here he decided to put a kitchen towel in the tree. The tree has only been up ONE day so far, so I'll be curious to see what other "decorations" he puts in the tree over the next month!
And I had a wonderful day (thank you MOM for watching Ryder!!!) finishing up my Christmas shopping with my girlfriend, Jenna. Yes, you read that's December 1st and I'm D.O.N.E. with all my shopping :) And, because I'm a crazy psycho lady I also managed to wrap them all and get them under the tree after Ryder went to bed tonight!!!!!!! (this makes me insanely happy)
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