As many of you know, one of Ryder's nicknames is "Bad Hair". I mean, really I love his hair--
because it's so crazy and wild. But because he had a bald spot on the back of his head from when he only slept on his back and didn't move around in bed, the hair in the center-back of his head is shorter than it is on either side of his head. So we finally decided to trim his hair so it would be even at least...he was starting to look like a raggedy homeless man. No really...seriously in this picture below, he looks like a homeless man "living under a bridge" to quote my Mother-in-law!!! bahahaha (she meant than in an endearing kind of way, FYI)
So here are two before shots:

It's kind of hard to tell in this picture because a)he wouldn't sit still so we could take a picture and b) we combed it out so it would be more straight and easier to cut, but you can see the straggly hair.

Here is the small pile of hair we snipped off. I say we, but really it was actually Joe who volunteered to cut it. I let him---just in case it was bad then I wouldn't have to look at him every day and think of what a bad job I did. So Joe did it, but actually he did a great job!
He would NOT sit still (can anyone really make their 16 month old sit still for a picture?? If you can, please let me know your tricks!) so here is a side shot. See, we still left it longish so you could see some curls/waves, but it's just even now.

And here is the best straight-on shot I managed to get.

So we're all trimmed up, and looking so handsome. Just in time for when he starts his ECFE sessions this Fall (That would stand for Early Childhood Family Education). I registered him today for Tuesdays this Fall at the local elementary school. It's 12 to 23 month old kids--for an hour and a half that basically will get him more used to being around other kids his age, in a more structured environment since he is mostly just with adults all the time. That should be interesting to say the least!!
Just to set the record straight I told Joe he looked like a troll living under a bridge:) But that picture is one of my all time favorites. A hint to making Ryder sit still as I did with his Dad. Put him in the High chair and put M&Ms on the tray one at a time until you are done! Joe sat very still for that but seeing that Ryder has had no candy you may not want to try this yet:) Grandma Amy
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA! He definitely looks a little homeless in the tub picture. But one of the best looking homeless men I've ever seen :-)
ReplyDeleteToo bad you don't live in Grove - Fatt Face and skinny bones could have been in the same ECFE class.
cutest little homeless man ever. i might even give him some cash if he had a sign. lol.