Yes, he may be sweet:

But he's been killing Joe and me lately. He used to be such a good sleeper (to bed at 7pm and didn't make noise till 7am or even 730am). Over the last two weeks most nights, he will wake up crying sometime anywhere between 2am and 5am. Now, only once or twice has it been where he wakes up screaming bloody murder, so I thought that it might be night terrors, but all the other times he wakes up with only a
little fussing--almost just talking-- at first (which I ignore hoping he falls back asleep) but then it gets louder and louder until he actually is crying really loudly and really hard.
A little background so you can form your opinions: the last almost two weeks we have been out of routine a LOT. I was in Jenna's wedding and was gone that whole weekend (Joe was gone too attending the wedding festivities as well). Friday my mom was with him all day from 9am till we got home from the rehearsal dinner at 10pm, so she put him to bed. The next morning I left first thing and my aunt picked him up from our house at 1030 am and kept him all night over night while we were at the wedding and I didn't get home till after lunch Sunday. THEN....Joe and I got sick last week (thankfully Ryder didn't) and were out of commission. When he was with us, we were watching movies/cartoons and weren't really playing because we felt so crappy, but most of the time he was at Joe's mom's house-overnight one night too. Joe and I really didn't feel back to normal until Sunday. I know he was very upset that things were out of routine, even when he was with the both of us, he still could tell things were "off". I will also throw in that all last week when we were out of routine he would barely eat anything. He wasn't fussy at all or warm or acting sick at all, and we're done teething (he has them all!) but he was really fussy only if we tried to get him to eat (even pizza...a favorite...) he would take only like three or four bites and then be done. I think he was way out of sorts.
Anyways...back to the waking up. So when he does the night waking, it's not something you can ignore. He's screaming bloody murder for Heaven's sake and he will just keep doing it. Last night when he woke up at 430, we let him chat...and then eventually cry until I finally went in there at 5am. I don't normally do this, but I had a feeling he was hungry. I made him a piece of toast and he ate the whole thing in about two seconds. He cried hard when I tried to put him back down in the crib, so I rocked him for about 5 minutes and then put him down. He was still awake when I laid him down (so it's not like I rocked him to sleep in order to get him back into the crib), but at that point he didn't cry. He just watched me walk out of the room and never made another peep.
This is kind of how these nights have been going. I have only given him a snack twice now (which both times he gobbled down), but I don't know if the night wakings started because he was out of routine but now it's becomming a routine...? Has anyone else had periods where their once great sleeping children now are waking up? I would like this to stop (obviously....) but how do I stop it? I can't just let him scream for hours in there (which he's a stubborn child...he totally would too). What the heck do I do??? Is he just playing Joe and me for dummies or is this normal?
For those of you who have no kids...sorry this was a long rambling post. But you can give your opinions too! Anything helps!