Update #2--->As far as movement, he's finally walking better when holding onto my fingers/hands and he can push toys and walk behind them. He scales along the couch and around the coffee table like he's superman. I'm guessing it won't be too much longer before he walks.
And then today we had his 15 month appointment. He SERIOUSLY is one sassy child. The pediatrition came in and Ryder was smiling, holding his hand out to the doctor and having a good time....that is, until the doctor wanted to poke and prod the kid. We laid him on his back and the doctor was trying to listen to his heart and lungs, and feel his belly among other things and ryder was NOT having any part of it! At first he swung and landed a couple face slaps as the doctor was hovering over him. So I held his arms down. Well, okay...no hands available?? Okay, then I'll just start kicking the doctor in the gut! So I reach down to hold his legs and what happens? A hand gets loose and reaches for the stethoscope...and Ryder yanks the stethoscope right out from the doctor's ears. Nice. The doctor said, "my he sure knows what he wants or doesnt want, huh?" Understatement of the century doc. So I said, "Don't worry, I'm a little afraid of him too" :)
So the stats for my gigantic boy:
Height at 12 months: 30.25 inches (60%) Height at 15 months: 32 inches (75%).
Weight at 12 months: 26 lbs (90%) Weight at 15 months: 28lbs 9oz (92%)
Head at 12 months: 48 cm (90%) and Head at 15 months: 48.9cm (90%) (I also would like to mention that we measured my head just to see the difference and my head measures 54 cm....guess which side that giant melon comes from?!)
So overall Ryder is a big boy (duh). The only other thing that the doctor mentioned was Ryder's lack of talking. Yes, he babbles and says "baby" and "mama" but other than that it's nothing. The doctor said that most kids Ryder's age say at least 5-6 words at this time, and the doctor was hoping that Ryder would start saying some words over the next 2-4 weeks. Now, the Type A personality in me gets a little worried and bothered by that (how dare the doctor mention being "developmentally slow" in regards to talking to me!!!) But then the chill, more relaxed care free type B personality in me (thank you dad!) says, "whatever" he'll do it when he's ready. When I was talking to my dad about the doctor's appt, he made a good point. He said that Ryder, since the day he was born...a week late....has been letting us know he will do his own thing on his own time schedule. And he's so right. So I'm going to not fret and just enjoy it all before he learns the word NO! haha.
Over anything else, there is one thing that makes me sad about Ryder becoming a big boy. No, it wasn't him turning one. It wasn't seeing milestones like crawling, scaling the couch, or walking behind the push toys. It wasn't even walking in on him for the first time one morning to see him standing up in his crib (very proud of himself if you can imagine). The one thing that makes me kind of sad is the peach fuzz hair that he now has on his legs and arms. Bye bye hairless, soft baby skin...hello to my little growing toddler! But for now, I will cherish every moment I get to cuddle and snuggle with my baby:

Finn isn't talking either, don't worry! Can't wait to see you guys on Thursday.