Thursday, March 31, 2011
A better day!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
If I'm counting right...
Monday, March 28, 2011
Vlogging: Guilty Pleasures
Friday, March 25, 2011
Questions for "Q&A" day:
1. Why did you start blogging (answer: Joe and I found out we were preggo and all of our friends and family were asking us for updates all the time. So it made sense to put it out on a blog so everyone could tune in and get all their updates in an easy and convenient way.)
2. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? (answer: This question is almost unanswerable because there are just way too many things that I enjoy. But I would agree with Jenn when I answer with: any form of potato. Baked, mashed, fried, hashbrowns, whatever I will take it! Most would think I'd pick some dessert, but I thought in the long run I dont think I would get sick of potatoes like I would dessert--> gut rot city...)
3. What is the biggest personal change you have ever made? (answer: without hesitation---having a child!! It is the most incredible thing anyone could do, but your life is flipped upside down and shaken side to side and all around!!)
So those are the questions for the week, tune in for more next week!!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
A failed sump pump
Joe's work files in storage...bottom half ruined. Check.
We didn't get home from dog-sitting my in-laws two dogs while they were out of town until yesterday evening. When we got home, we put Ryder to sleep and unpacked. Just before checking out for the night (yes, that would be like 930pm...ryder had been choosing to wake up really early while staying at grandma and grandpa's house) when Joe was going to quick check his emails and noticed the internet was out. So he ran downstairs to reset the wireless internet thingy when I hear him yell up the stairs, "Carly, come down here". I knew something was wrong in his voice--and I found out what that was when I came down the stairs. BLAH! Luckily we're so handy when it comes to fixing stuff.....bahahaha, just kidding. So D&S plumbing came down. AKA: donn and sharol bartlett plumbing came down and my dad installed a new sump pump---our motor on the old one failed. Awesome. So he put a new one in, and alacazam the water starts draining! Of course, not without a great deal of a mess. Thank goodness we do not have our basement finished or this would have been an even greater disaster!! Also, thank goodness I didn't get called into work last night because we were up till past midnight trying to clean up some stuff and I think I would have blown a fuse if my cell phone started ringing at like 2 or 3am to tell me to come into work.
My dad said it perfectly, "Welcome to being a homeowner". That's why we bought a new house, so we wouldn't have to fix stuff. haha, dang...he is so right....
Friday, March 18, 2011

And of course, the ladies :)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Just like Daddy!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I almost forgot!

Physical therapy update
Speaking of getting bigger, I cannot believe that Ryder is going to be ONE YEAR OLD in a month. That is the craziest thing in the world. We're doing a little birthday party with my immediate family and Joe's immediate family and then I'm sure we'll be doing more first bday parties with extended families too. I've been trying to think of something to get him for his first bday, but really, he's going to get so many gifts it's almost silly to try and think of something extra we could get him. Any ideas of gifts out there that a one year old would love to have? Let me know!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Ducky Bath
Anyways, on to a funny situation. So Ryder is too big for his baby whale bathtub that he's been using since he was about a month or so old (before that, we dunked his butt in a large mixing bowl he was so small). He sits up on his own very well, but in a bathtub with his dimple butt all wet and slippery it makes me nervous to sit him by himself in the tub, even if there's a towel or something underneath him. They can fall so fast and that chubby body is so slippery when wet!
So I found a blow up ducky that he can sit in and play, but the first time I used it, he was super scared of it and cried. (now that was a fast bath: in and out before a complete meltdown happened. Just ask my mother-in-law who was here that night helping me while Joe was out of town). Here is a picture of me trying to get Ryder used to the ducky before we put him in it again.
So he wasn't sure of it at first. Then he would get a little more brave and put his hand out to touch it and then quickly pull it back before actually making contact. We did that for awhile until Daddy came downstairs (still in his boxers after just waking up) and got in the ducky to show Ryder it was okay to sit in the ducky:
As you can see, Daddy didn't like me snapping his picture quickly before he could move fast enough to avoid a picture (I always keep that camera handy for moments like this!) Ryder was enjoying the show though. But it worked because after Joe got out of the tub, Ryder was touching the duck and soon after that he was sitting in it playing. Now he loves it during bathtime! Good job, Dad ;) Minus the finger of course.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Double ear infection, double the fun.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
It's amazing what you can get used to...
I would have loved to take a nap today but we had too much planned already. So let's just say that if you thought being in bed at 9pm on a Friday night is sweet, then you'll think getting to bed at 815pm on a Saturday is even better. Keep Ryder in your thoughts for a better night tonight!