Thursday, February 17, 2011

Useless Talents

Last night my favorite movie of all time, Shawshank Redemption, was on tv. Considering it's a ridiculously long movie, we finished watching it in bed last night. You know that part at the end of the movie when Red (Morgan Freeman) gets out of jail and goes to the big tree to dig up the box that Andy (Tim Robbins) said he was going to leave for him? And Andy writes him a letter?? Well as this part was coming up in the movie, Joe informs me he could quote word for word the letter Andy writes to Red. I say, "Prove it". And off he goes:

"Dear Red,

If you're reading this, you've gotten out. And if you've come this far, maybe you're willing to come a little further. You remember the name of the town, don't you?.....I could use a good man to help get my project up on wheels. I'll keep an eye out for you, and the chess board ready. Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. I will be hoping that this letter finds you and finds you well.

Your Friend,


About two minutes later, I found out that Joe was right and he could quote word for word that letter. He threw out a very enthusiastic "YES!!" and I think even a small arm pump. He kept saying that given any scene he could probably quote it for me--I quizzed him and he, in fact, could do the couple scenes I gave him. And in all honesty, he could probably do that for a lot of movies, not just Shawshank. Joe even said, "Is that sad that I'm feeling very proud right now??" (answer: yes). I informed him that it was lovely that he can remember that kinda crap, but yet I have to write Joe a note to remind him to run the dishwasher before he goes to bed at night when I'm at work :)

About five minutes later, after we were discussing how useless this "talent" was, he informs me that he knows who won Best Picture at the Oscars from the year 2000 till 2010. There is a long pause and I say, "oh, okay". Another long pause and then from Joe in an excited/very impressed with himself voice, "You want me to name them for you?" ----- "....sure, I guess". And off he went naming the movies.

THEN, he commented how he needs to find a job that pays people to do these "talents" because he would make a killing....oh, okay honey....

Just one of the reasons I love my hubby: he's full of useless talents!
Here's a little sneak peak of one of the pics Amy took of Ryder:


  1. omg. ryder looks like such a real little person in that picture. oh and i think he's looking more & more like mommy.

    shawshank redemption is one of my all time favorite movies and it has been nonstop on AMC. and i seriously love it... (but it's chess board, not chest board, come on this movie is classy).
