I've had a few people ask me about updates regarding Ryder's physical therapy and also Ryder's sleeping habits now...so I thought I'd update.
We actually haven't gone to physical therapy in about a month and a half. Not because he doesn't need it right now, but because of our insurance. I received a letter in the mail saying that our insurance would cover 6 sessions of physical therapy. Well, when I received that letter, we had already had 6 sessions! So I quickly cancelled the last appt because I did not want to pay a billion dollars (well not a billion, but it's like $300 almost PER HALF HOUR SESSION!---$500 for the initial consult!) And the last few sessions we didn't do a ton of new things because he's not developmentally at the next level--crawling or sitting on his own. (although he's almost there sitting on his own. but as soon as he reaches for something, his fat face gets sucked down by gravity and he hits the deck..haha) After we missed the last session last week, Ryder's PT lady (nancy) called us and asked what was going on. After I talked to her, we decided that at his 6 month well-baby check up, we'll ask our pediatrition to re-submit to our insurance company and we'll start another round of PT. Apparently this is really normal and the insurance company only allows so many sessions at once before they make you re-evaluate with your doctor as to wether or not you still need it. So ryder's 6 month appt is in two weeks and we'll start up in october again with the therapy. If worse comes to worse, Nancy said she would be willing to have us send in pictures of Ryder so she can evaluate his head tilt and would give us things to do over email. How nice is that?! She's so sweet, we love her and so does ryder.
Next update: sleep! I am getting more of it....and so is Ryder! After that week or so of zero sleep "teaching" ryder to sleep, he's done really well. We put him to sleep around 730pm and he will get up for good around 7am. (sometimes earlier with dad, but mom just lets him hang out in his crib for awhile because she's not ready to get up at 6am!) Typically he wakes up once around 4-5am but either puts himself back to sleep within a few minutes or we give him his paci and he goes right back to sleep. So like I said, he does really well with sleep now. Mom and dad are elated! Even better though: I officially have trained my boobs that if I pump at 10 before I go to bed, I can make it to 7am to feed ryder WITHOUT getting up in the middle of the night to pump. Yessssssssssssss! Between getting my nights mostly back and our evenings after he goes to sleep for the night where Joe and I can actually hang out together, I feel like a whole new woman! I'm sure now he'll start teething and it will be all over, but that's how it goes!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Dinner time is "mmmm" time :)
I had to post a little video of Ryder eating (well, two videos). It's so funny when he eats, he makes this "aammmmm" noise every time he takes a spoonful. hehe. And half way through the video, he gives a really cute laugh to Joe when he's feeding him. Melts my heart :) BUT the next video is even better below...it involves taking a poop at the dinner table..bahaha!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The old Boob vs Bottle debate
So, I'm constantly going back and forth in my head on to continue to breastfeed or just go to bottles. Inevitable, I always end up sticking with the boob. But I think I'll make a pro-con list here for each:
The Boob
1. It's SO good and natural for Ryder (#1 reason)
2. It doesn't require mixing/preparing
3. It's always the perfect temperature
4. You don't have to wash as many bottles as you would if you did bottles only (you still have pump stuff and the bottles that you pump into that you have to wash though)
5. It doesn't have to be packed up and brought with you wherever you go
6. It burns major calories (a very close second the the #1 above...I love naughty food)
7. Free
1. I can never stray too far from either Ryder or the pump. It's like a ball and chain.
2. I have to always wear clothes/bras that have easy access to the boob
3. Even though Ryder is sleeping through the night, I still have to wake up once in the middle of the night and pump. So no full night of sleep
The Bottle
1. I could be gone longer from Ryder (not that I want to be, but you know...)
2. I could wear normal clothes and real bras
3. I could sleep through the night
4. Joe could do feedings too, not just me!
1. Can be expensive
2. I would have a LOT more bottles to clean
3. Ryder seems to not do very well with bottles and being gassy/fussy. We've noticed that after I work my weekend of three days in a row, he is really a gas man and has tummy troubles. I think it's because he's not used to having so many bottles (and all the air that comes with them)
4. I would have to start working out and eating better (boo!)
Anyways, so after reading everything again, I think I'll just stick with the boob. It's what I know. It's what Ryder knows. I figure if I can make it to one year and just switch him over to regular milk at that time, then I won't have to do formula. Plus, I can eat all the xmas cookies and thanksgiving pies I want over the winter....bhahaha. I'm terrible. Oh yeah, and the main reason: it's good for Ryder........
I guess I will continue to go back and forth all the time. I think whether I did bottle OR breast, I would complain about either one. I'm a professional complainer, in case you didnt know. It's generally just a pain in the ass. No offense Ryder boy.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Flash Me (last) Friday: what's around you
Once again, LATE LATE LATE on my FMF! Oh well. I haven't been on my computer since Thursday during the day. Thursday evening we went out to eat with the Haskins fam and the Graves. The Graves are long time family friends of the Haskins that are from England. It was great seeing them (as we only get to every couple years). I then worked Thursday night (boo!). When I got home from work, we loaded up the car and headed up North to Park Rapids to the Haskins cabin for the opening of grouse hunting. So what was around me this weekend? Fall air, fall leaves, and fun times! Here is a cute picture of taking Ryder out for a walk in his warm fall flannel jacket thing. I love it!
I love this pictures that Grandma Amy took by the lake. If you notice, his hat says "I hunt for hugs". Very appropriate for the opening of grouse hunting!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Happy Birthday, Joe!
Today Joe is 27 years old. Officially in his late 20's! I remember celebrating his 21st birthday back in college. Odd that I remember what I got him back then: a Polo sweatshirt, metallica poster, Aqua de Gio cologne, and a THUMB RING and brown leather NECKLACE from Express (bahahha on that last two!). This year is a bit different. Joe said this morning when I got home from work that it doesn't even feel like his birthday. There just is something to be said about a birthday when you're younger and have nothing going on in life! Back in highschool and college, a birthday was a big deal. In college, you hung out with friends and made a point of inviting everyone out to have a good time...usually at a bar and EVERYONE came because it was a great excuse to go out....to a bar ;)
Anyways, this year is a bit different. Joe had a long day of traveling (to Eau Claire, WI!) and his gift is a bit different as well. This year he got some new Under Amour workout shirts and an iTUNES giftcard from Ryder. He really didn't "need" anything he said. But at least we're going out to eat tonight with the Haskins clan and the place we're going has a Haskins bday classic: red velvet cake!!
Anyways, this year is a bit different. Joe had a long day of traveling (to Eau Claire, WI!) and his gift is a bit different as well. This year he got some new Under Amour workout shirts and an iTUNES giftcard from Ryder. He really didn't "need" anything he said. But at least we're going out to eat tonight with the Haskins clan and the place we're going has a Haskins bday classic: red velvet cake!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Not ready for winter
Although I do love the fall and the crisp air it brings, it's like a double edged sword because I know what is to come next :( I absolutely hate the cold and winter. Well, I take that back...I like the winter till January 1st. THEN I hate the winter. I should be like all the oldies and head south for the winter. I think my grandparents do it the best: they leave the week after xmas and come back the end of april.
So I guess I'll just enjoy these last few weeks of good weather while I can. I know I did this weekend. Saturday we had a wedding outside--perfect weather. And Sunday we celebrated Joe's bday with my family. We ate sitting outside on the patio at Granite City, and it was fantastic! I can't believe Joe is going to be 27. FYI: that's old.
Sorry no flashing last week, I got a little busy. I will do it this week though, so stay tuned! And here's a random pic of Ryder that always brings a smile to my face (I guess, which one doesnt bring a smile to my face, right?!?)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Like Mother like daughter. Like father like daughter.
Earlier today I was driving in my car and a song came on and I was snapping my fingers to the beat. Then, in horror, I stopped short. My MOM does this!!!! When I was younger and we were driving in the car, my mom would always snap her fingers to the beat of the music if she really liked it. For whatever reason (sorry, mom!!) I always cringed when she did this. It seemed like such an "old" person thing to do and kinda "dorky". Well I apparently have joined the ranks of "old" and "dorky" because I was snapping my fingers to the music today :)
This also then reminded me of ALL the times I do something and Joe will say, "oh my God, you're dad does that!" It's funny, when it comes to most of my mannerisms and my person to person interaction and communication, I am a LOT like my dad. I even use my dad's jokes and quotes sometimes. For instance, my dad used to always say to us as kids, "What do you think, we live in a barn?" when we'd leave the garage door open or something. Yes, I have used that line when Joe has left the door open before. I HATED when my dad said that when I was younger. But yet here I am, spouting off that line like it's my job.
But on the other hand when it comes to my organization, planning, competativeness, and people pleasing ways, I am 100% a product of my mother. I guess it's completely unavoidable and whether you like it or not, you will become more and more like your parents than you ever thought possible as you get older. It can be a scary thought, but fortunately for me I have great parents, so I guess I should feel lucky. There are worse afflictions.
So, who are you like: mom or dad??
This also then reminded me of ALL the times I do something and Joe will say, "oh my God, you're dad does that!" It's funny, when it comes to most of my mannerisms and my person to person interaction and communication, I am a LOT like my dad. I even use my dad's jokes and quotes sometimes. For instance, my dad used to always say to us as kids, "What do you think, we live in a barn?" when we'd leave the garage door open or something. Yes, I have used that line when Joe has left the door open before. I HATED when my dad said that when I was younger. But yet here I am, spouting off that line like it's my job.
But on the other hand when it comes to my organization, planning, competativeness, and people pleasing ways, I am 100% a product of my mother. I guess it's completely unavoidable and whether you like it or not, you will become more and more like your parents than you ever thought possible as you get older. It can be a scary thought, but fortunately for me I have great parents, so I guess I should feel lucky. There are worse afflictions.
So, who are you like: mom or dad??
Labor Day weekend update
This weekend sucked b.a.d. I worked all weekend, was incredibly tired, and barely saw Joe or Ryder all weekend. On a more positive note, I did make double time when I worked Labor Day---so that part is nice. And...I do love the girls I work with on my weekend this weekend and I enjoyed eating a ridiculous amount of bad food at our Labor Day potluck :)
I am thankful that Joe's parents stayed home this weekend to help out with Joe a little. Joe could go up to their house during the day so that I could sleep and not wake up from hearing them play and all. It's a curse that if I'm home and trying to sleep because I work, and I hear them downstairs I seriously cannot sleep because I'm wishing I was down there. Or I'm thinking of how Ryder's schedule is going...ahha. I need to let that go.
Anyways, Joe did awesome with Ryder's sleeping this weekend. Basically Ryder goes down for the night between 7 and 8pm and he usually makes a few noises (but doesnt cry or anything) around midnight, but goes back to sleep. Then wakes up around 530 or so to eat. A couple times he went back to sleep for joe, one day he didnt (sucky to be up at 530 am!) BUT, this morning, he did the same schedule and after I nursed him, he went back to sleep till 9! woo hoo. I need that sleep, especially since I get to wake up at 3am regardless of Ryder and pump those boobies!! Oh the joys of nursing ;)
Well, everyone enjoy your week and good luck to all you teacher friends I have out there. I hope you all have a good class of kids!!
I am thankful that Joe's parents stayed home this weekend to help out with Joe a little. Joe could go up to their house during the day so that I could sleep and not wake up from hearing them play and all. It's a curse that if I'm home and trying to sleep because I work, and I hear them downstairs I seriously cannot sleep because I'm wishing I was down there. Or I'm thinking of how Ryder's schedule is going...ahha. I need to let that go.
Anyways, Joe did awesome with Ryder's sleeping this weekend. Basically Ryder goes down for the night between 7 and 8pm and he usually makes a few noises (but doesnt cry or anything) around midnight, but goes back to sleep. Then wakes up around 530 or so to eat. A couple times he went back to sleep for joe, one day he didnt (sucky to be up at 530 am!) BUT, this morning, he did the same schedule and after I nursed him, he went back to sleep till 9! woo hoo. I need that sleep, especially since I get to wake up at 3am regardless of Ryder and pump those boobies!! Oh the joys of nursing ;)
Well, everyone enjoy your week and good luck to all you teacher friends I have out there. I hope you all have a good class of kids!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Flash Me Friday: your extra room
This week's flash me friday: your extra room. To join in the fun, head on over to Jen's blog and leave your link!
If you turn to the right at the top of the stairs, you see our random "loft area" (ryder's room is the door on the right). You'll see my college desk, which I never use. A picture that Joe won recently at a golf tourney and a little shelf thing that we'll someday put somewhere in our house ;)
Oh, and I forgot that we also have two bins with Ryder's clothes he's outgrown. The first one on the left with the cover is 0-3 months---yes, ALL is 0-3 months clothes...The second bin with the open top is the start of 3-6 months clothes that no longer fit...ryder has a LOT of clothes!
We don't really have a "bonus" room. In a previous blog post, you saw our sitting room we rarely use. And we do have an unfinished basement we never go down to unless we have to change the furnace filter or reset our internet or something. Well here is another room we never use. It's a "loft" area in our upstairs. Someday I'll probably turn it into a play area when Ryder is a little older. (that's our bedroom through the double doors and the laundry room to the right of our bedroom)
A better night for Ryder (and mom!)
Last night was even better :) It really does give me hope---even though there is one thing I've learned about babies since being a mom: just because they do something for a day or two does NOT mean it's their "new schedule". Just when you get happy that they are doing something the way you like it, you tell someone about it and then the next day they change it. Just to spite you.
Anyways, so last night ryder went to bed at 745pm. He woke up at midnight, which is when I turned off the monitor for 15/20 minutes. I turned it back on, and he had put himself back to sleep. Then at 3am, I got up and pumped and I heard Ryder at 330. I turned off the monitor and waited 15 minutes and turned it back on and alacazam: he put himself back to sleep again! Then I didn't hear him till we got up for good at 710am. So he slept for almost 12 hours (with the exception fo waking up twice) and I never once had to get up and give him his paci. He put himself back to sleep too! woo hoo. And the last few days I also lay him down for his nap and he fusses a bit and then falls asleep on his own. Like I said, I'm cautiously opptimistic :) I do work this weekend, so Joe is going to hold down the fort and not cave in and go get him right away. I'll keep everyone updated on how the weekend goes early next week. Also...stay tuned for a Flash Me Friday later today hopefully!
Anyways, so last night ryder went to bed at 745pm. He woke up at midnight, which is when I turned off the monitor for 15/20 minutes. I turned it back on, and he had put himself back to sleep. Then at 3am, I got up and pumped and I heard Ryder at 330. I turned off the monitor and waited 15 minutes and turned it back on and alacazam: he put himself back to sleep again! Then I didn't hear him till we got up for good at 710am. So he slept for almost 12 hours (with the exception fo waking up twice) and I never once had to get up and give him his paci. He put himself back to sleep too! woo hoo. And the last few days I also lay him down for his nap and he fusses a bit and then falls asleep on his own. Like I said, I'm cautiously opptimistic :) I do work this weekend, so Joe is going to hold down the fort and not cave in and go get him right away. I'll keep everyone updated on how the weekend goes early next week. Also...stay tuned for a Flash Me Friday later today hopefully!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Day three...damn rain storm!
Night #3 of this experiement went about the same as before, with the exception of the dang crazy rain storm last night. Ryder was sleeping by 730 last night. He woke up at midnight and I let him cry for 10 minutes. Gave him his paci and he slept for about 10. Then he woke up again and I let him cry for 15 min, then gave him his paci and he fell back asleep till 3am. Of course, the hurricane that happened in Mayer last night started around 1am and kept me up basically all night, regardless of whether Ryder was awake or not! Stupid--I could have actually gotten SOME sleep if it weren't for that. Anyways, at 3am, I let Ryder cry it out for 15 minutes to start and then gave him his paci. He slept then till 550am. I fed him at this time and he went right back to sleep till about 8-830 or so. So his sleeping wasn't terrible even though he did wake up three times. I took molly's trick and had Ryder sleep in our main level and I slept upstairs and would just turn the monitor off while he cried so I wouldn't have to feel so dang bad (ha, I sound like an evil mom) but anyways, it seemed to work. I could still hear him when he cried loudly, but other than that I couldn't. I guess we'll just keep on trying this tactic and hopefully it gets us somewhere. Ryder has gotten better about putting himself to sleep for naps, which he never used to do, so I'm hoping that carries over into the night and he can learn to put himself back to sleep sooner rather than later!!
Also, I work all weekend, so it's up to Joe to continue this...wonder how that is going to go???! He's such a softy, that I don't know if he can do it ;)
Also, I work all weekend, so it's up to Joe to continue this...wonder how that is going to go???! He's such a softy, that I don't know if he can do it ;)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Day 2 of no sleep..but better at least
So last night Ryder went down at at 7pm like we usually try to get him down at for bed. He woke up for the first time at 1045 for a brief five minute cry before he went back to sleep on his own. Then!!!!......He woke up at 1230, 1, 130, and 2am. Each time I gave him his paci and he fell right back asleep. I think he kept waking up during this time because he's used to getting fed at this time normally. He never really had a "cry out" session where he really cried, but that's because I gave him his paci. Like I said yesterday, he usually gets more mad at night when you try to give him his paci and he spits it out or just won't even open his mouth to take it at all. So I don't know if I've opened a new can of worms here or what. I think he's discovered, 'well, since she won't feed me, I guess I'll wake up and take the next best thing: my paci".
Anyways, so then he slept from 2 to 4. He woke up at 4, I gave him his paci and he fell right back asleep till 540am. I fed him at this time and put him right back to bed and he slept till about a little after 7am. So, like I said, I never had any cry fests for Ryder last night, but now we're doing the whole get up a million times anyways for a paci fix. So my question is: do I let him cry it out without his paci so that he doesn't develop the habit of HAVING to have his paci to go back to sleep??? What do you think? I am open to suggestions....
Anyways, so then he slept from 2 to 4. He woke up at 4, I gave him his paci and he fell right back asleep till 540am. I fed him at this time and put him right back to bed and he slept till about a little after 7am. So, like I said, I never had any cry fests for Ryder last night, but now we're doing the whole get up a million times anyways for a paci fix. So my question is: do I let him cry it out without his paci so that he doesn't develop the habit of HAVING to have his paci to go back to sleep??? What do you think? I am open to suggestions....
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