Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The first day after the cry-out

So, I decided that now that Ryder is getting rice cereal in the morning and in the evening, he's not starving and he doesn't NEED to eat in the middle of the night. So I thought I'd see how it goes with trying to let him cry a little. We put him to bed for good at 7pm. At 1am he finally woke up, I caved and fed him. He went right back to sleep but was up again at 330. He fussed for the first ten minutes, but then he started to really cry at 340. I would go over to his pack n play every five minutes or so (he was in his pack n play in the living room downstairs so that dad wouldn't hear him all night. Mom slept on the couch by him) and give him his pacifier-which he refused to take and it would just tick him off even more. So I did that about three times and at 4am when I did it the third time he accepted the paci and fell right asleep! No need for feeding him.

After that, he woke up three times between that 4am time and when he got up for good at 8am. But each time I just gave him his paci and he fell right back asleep, which he never does. So he only fed one time between when we put him to bed at 7pm and when he was up for the day at 8am. That's really good in my book, even though I was awake a TON and slept ZERO last night. We cut out two feedings the first night! I'm hoping it goes better tonight and the next and the next until he just sleeps. We'll see.

Tonight my goal is to not cave in at the midnight/1am feeding and let him cry it out. I never thought I would be the mom to let my child cry it out. But after five months of no sleep and ESPECIALLY the last two nights before this, I thought...okay I'll try A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G. to help. So I'll try again tonight like I said, so cross your fingers.

1 comment:

  1. Good Work Carly!! It does Suck to let them Cry it out. It is so hard to hear it and one minute feels like and hour. But it is so worth it in the end! Hope tonight goes better than last and so on. Good Luck and stay strong!
