Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Golf Ball Butt
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Finally: my looong stretch off!!
I doubt it will be nice enough this weekend to wear something like this, but I'll take any sort of vacation I can get: rain or shine! Have a great weekend everyone!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I survived
During the winter, Joe would head over to either his parent's house or Logan and Amy's house to give me some quiet during the day. But now that it's getting nice (sort of) that means that it's cabin season and Joe's parents head up North most every weekend (lucky duckies!!). So it was my first weekend of working where Joe and Ryder took off for the weekend as well. It was the longest I'd ever been away from Ryder. I know it's better for everyone involved: Joe and Ryder don't have to find something to do outside of the house all day/don't have to try to be quiet all day while I sleep, and I can lay in bed till 530pm if I really wanted to rather than feel like I have to get up and hang out/do dinner etc.
But if I am to look on the positive side, being at work and away from my boys really does make me appreciate all the days that I do have off and am able to stay home with Chubbs. I won't lie, there was a moment or two of me getting teary eyed, but I felt better when I'd look through all of my albums on Facebook to get my Ryder fix. I think I must have looked through those albums a hundred times this weekend! But how could you not miss these two??
This is totally random, but I always enjoy a good fat-face video :) It's Ryder after eating breakfast at the table when we were on vacation in Arizona. Not much is going on in it, but I thought I'd post it anyways...
Enjoy the weather today!!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Fun at the Haskins
If anyone wants to have some real fun, head on over to our house. Nothing like a diaperbox ride from Daddy!
Monday, May 9, 2011
A good weekend
Here's a little picture of my big-headed friend with his hair blowing in the wind. It's almost like a model photoshoot....
And here is another one of Chubbs being his typical hambone self.
We were also very fortunate to have my awesome friend, Amanda, come over and watch Ryder Saturday night so Joe and I could go over to our friends, Ben and Emily's place for dinner. I feel so blessed that we have so many people in our life that love Boo Boos so much that they are willing to give up their Saturday night to come hang out with Ryder for awhile. We have neighbors who are from out of state that have no family here and no close friends here either and they NEVER get out together. So like I said, it makes me feel so blessed to have all the support we do. THANKS AMANDA!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011