Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Flash Me Friday: the front of your house!
Ryder's 2nd PT appointment
Monday, June 28, 2010
I also love that I can bring Ryder to the gym. Not Lifetime (which we still pay up the wazoo for in monthly dues, but rarely go). We bring Ryder to the Snap Fitness in Waconia. We time it so he's sleeping the whole time we're there, which works out nicely. I just jump on the tred (and walk, not run people---I'm having a tough time motivating myself to do anything really physical these days!) and put Ryder next to me on the ground in his car seat. No one says anything to us when we bring him there, but even if they did complain...who cares. We know the owner! (That would be Logan Haskins, Joe's brother and Ryder's Godfather. I'm thinking he'll let it slide....).
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Naked baby butts
Friday, June 25, 2010
Flash me Friday: your bathroom
Another update on working last night: I didn't. Something got all screwed up with scheduling and me being technically still on my maternity leave. So anyways, long story short: I didnt have to work last night. Today involved trying to figure out my health insurance and what's going to happen now that MNA (our nurse's union) decided to go on strike July 6th--which is before I'm due back to work on July 8th. Poopy. I'll keep you updated on the situation.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
First night away :(
I'm grateful for my mother-in-law, Amy. She's coming down this afternoon/evening so I can get a nap in hopefully before working tonight. And I am also grateful for my own mom because she's coming down tomorrow morning early so that I can sleep tomorrow during the day for a little bit after I get off work. I am a lucky girl! Also exciting: Friday night we are going to watch Joe's cousin Jake and his band play at the Maple Tavern in Maple Grove. Should be a good time!!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
how do you train a baby?
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Flash Me Fridays: something new to blog about!
Ever wonder...What does their laundry room/family room/garage look like?
Do they make their bed every morning?
What kind of food do they have inside their fridge?
Is my house cleaner or messier than theirs?
Inside of fridge: meat, fruit, juice, milk, breastmilk!, yogurt...not much else
PT update
Before today, I really felt stressed about his neck and working on it and doing the physical therapy. But when we were sitting in the clinic lobby today waiting for Ryder's appt, I realized just how lucky we are that Ryder is healthy. The clinic we are going to is Gillette Children's clinic, and is known for its amazing pediatric work in physical therapy and rehabilitation. There were two kids in the lobby that had major health issues: in wheelchairs, on oxygen, etc. One appeared to cerebal palsy and the other I'm thinking had spina bifida. I actually felt guilty making such a big deal out of something as small as a tight neck muscle with decreased range of motion! Sometimes, it's good to see things like that so you remember to count the blessings in your life. I couldn't imagine having a child with a disease or major disability and having to deal with those kind of stressors. My thoughts are with all those tough moms (and dads!) out there who deal with that daily.
Yay for decent weather!
Anyways, today is Ryder's first physical therapy consult at 2pm. We will find out whether or not we can just do stuff at home or if they want him to come into the clinic to do PT (physical therapy) with the therapist. I'll post later and give you the updates. Enjoy the weather!
Monday, June 14, 2010
It's getting better all the time
Or not...If any of you really know Joe, it's that he's a night owl and seriously has issues with getting to bed early (and by early, I mean like 10-1030). No matter how hard I try, I just cannot get him to not be a putz at night and get things done earlier in the evening. It will be 1030 at night (or like last night, 1115pm) and he'll be upstairs doing some "last minute" stuff on his work computer. Then it's the bedtime routine that takes forever....with the shower, the flossing...mix a little tv watching in there while he's brushing his teeth...maybe he forgot and now he needs a piece of toast as a bedtime snack because now he's hungry....can you see this kills me!?!? hahahaha. This never got to me before a baby, but Lordy does a baby change the way you look at how fast one can get in bed at night and therefore, how fast we can fall asleep. Oh, Joe.....I guess we balance each other out considering he's a procrastinator and I'm a scheduler. You gotta love him! ;) And hopefully Ryder will just start sleeping through the night soon so that this is no longer such a big deal (to me). I guess if that is our only stress with the baby, then we're doing alright :)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Date night for mom and dad
Speaking of nursing....
If you remember from the first few weeks after Ryder was born, I HATED HATED HATED every minute of breastfeeding. Some people say it comes naturally and that it's easy. I would like to find those people, and I would like to pinch those people. Hard. No, I'm kidding totally. But let's just say that it did NOT come easy for me and I wanted to quit each and every time I nursed Ryder for the first month, especially the first two weeks which were brutally painful. That means that I spent about half of the day wishing I could quit, considering Ryder fed 12 times a day for almost an hour a pop!! Anyways, enough complaining. I am super glad I stuck it out because around week 4 it finally stopped hurting so incredibly bad and burning, but was still uncomfortable. And by week 7 (yes, almost 2 months) it finally stopped being irritated/uncomfortable. It's now easy, and I don't mind nursing anymore. In fact, I actually enjoy that time being so close with Ryder. Especially now that he's getting so big so fast!! Unless he's nursing or really really tired, he no longer likes to be held like a baby :( He is too curious and likes to look around. I guess I will try even harder to enjoy each and every day.
PS: I think that last paragraph was TMI (too much information). It's a good thing that kinda thing doesn't bother me ;)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
2 month well baby check
But he did alright other than that. I put him quickly to the boob afterwards, which is the best way to calm a super upset baby! He fell asleep almost immediately once he settled down and slept for an hour and a half. He woke up to feed and then took another hour long nap. He had been a bit fussy before dinner, but nothing too bad. But right now, he's sitting on Daddy's lap playing and smiling. Poor buddy is such a trooper!!
As for his stats:
2 week 2 months
20.5inches (50 percentile) 23 3/8 inches (70th percentile)
8lbs (25 percentile) 12 lbs 5.5 oz (70th percentile)
So as you can see, he's doing a LOT of growing and growing well. Our pediatrition (who we LOVE) said she's very impressed by how much he has gained/grown, which we feel pretty good about. She also was impressed by how strong his neck was too. And speaking of his neck....if you remember from back at his 2 week appointment the pediatrition noticed that his head always tipped to the one side from how he was sitting in the womb. Well, we had worked on stretching his neck and turning it and working on physical therapy stuff at home. She said she could tell that we had been working hard on it, and she said that he was much better....BUT still not good. So we have an appointment at the Gillette Children's Clinic next Thursday for a consult appointment for physical therapy. She thinks we'll just need to start him on a little physical therapy to really get his neck straightened out so that more problems don't occur down the road as he continues to grow. My poor little crooked necked baby!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Ryder Rolls Over!!
Yesterday I noticed Ryder rolled over from his tummy to his back when I was doing tummy time. I thought it was by accident, but he did it once more later that day. So when I was doing tummy time tonight he kept doing it over and over! So Joe ran and got the camera and we caught the last roll over before he was tired of doing it (he had already been playing under his floor gym for a half hour at this point and was ready for some sleep) But at least we caught it on camera!
On to the next topic I often blab about: sleep.
I thought his sleep was going to be horrendous last night because he was so over stimulated during the day from being passed around to all the family members and his sleep was so interrupted. Especially because right after people left, he was really fussy for awhile before I got him to sleep. I just let him bomb out for 2 1/2 hours even though he had gone a long time without eating then. But once he woke up, he ate, then slept another 2 plus hours. I think that really helped him recover from his lack of sleep earlier in the day because we fed him at 1030. had him sleeping by 1115 and we were sleeping by 1130. I was having these weird dreams about trying to pump, but I couldnt get to my pump and I woke up at 330 and Ryder was STILL sleeping. So I went downstairs and pumped (after I checked to make sure he was still breathing) and finally Ryder woke up at 4am to feed. which means he went 5 1/2 hours between feedings last night. After quickly feeding him a bottle, he was back sleeping by 4:45 and slept till 8am. So lets just say...YAY! I know it won't be like that from now on; I'm sure he was so tired from the busy day. Anyways, like I said, I will post pictures of the tux later.Friday, June 4, 2010
A better night :)
The next two days are just us getting ready for Ryder's Baptism that is on Sunday. I'll post pictures later! Have a good weekend.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
I love the 2/3am feeding...not.
Anyways, I've kind told myself that I have to wait until cereal or other solids are introduced into his diet in order to make progress towards sleeping more during the night. I have gotten a few books recently and I"m going to do a little research on "how to get your baby to sleep through the night". I'll keep you updated. Keep your fingers crossed and pray for us before you drift off to your 8 hours of sleep at night. ;)
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Memorial weekend
Kit ran into a stick running in the woods and suffered a giant puncture wound. She wouldn't stop licking it, so she had to wear Amy's tshirt all weekend :)