Well today I left the doctors office NOT crying...so that's a good thing! I actually heard exactly what I wanted to hear when I went in: that Ryder's head is dropped down--it's as low as it can be pretty much (just ask my bladder). And, since his head is officially engaged and down low, Dr. Craemer stripped my membranes to try to stimulate some action. I'm not really different in dilation and she said my cervix is still fairly "thick" (I didn't get a percentage on the effacement or anything though--I forgot to ask) but she said what I wanted to hear: head is LOW :) So, his head is low, we've made some good progression, and now the dilation and effacement will hopefully follow on its own sooner rather than later.
As for the scheduling of an induction, Fairview Southdale will not induce you till you're 41 weeks. so next week my doctor told me to come into the clinic on Tuesday (two days shy of a full 41 weeks) and we will schedule the induction. She said it takes a day or two to "get in" so at least now I can technically know that one week from today or tomorrow-depending on when I can get in--we WILL have a baby! Both Joe and I are really hoping that it doesnt come down to that. We want him out now!!
I will try to keep you all updated if anything happens. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers that it happens soon and more importantly, that we have a healthy baby :)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
40 weeks!
And this week better be the LAST week too! 40 weeks/10 months of being pregnant feels as though it's been a lifetime. Yep, that's right, I have been pregnant my whole life it feels like...
Over the weekend, Joe and I got momentarily excited over some contractions I was having. On Friday night, I was just being a bum on the couch with Joe watching the bball games (ps: we already know that I am the winner of my bracket...take that MOM and DAD!!) and we started timing the contractions--they were 15 min apart on the dot for a few hours. Unfortunately, they never got stronger OR closer. They eventually went away. So that was just what is called "false labor" where my body is just preparing for labor. It would only be considered true labor if the contractions got stronger/more painful and also got closer together. The same thing happened Sunday night, where I was having a lot of regular contractions, but again, they never got closer and never got stronger, eventually going away. Today, I have had my typical sporadic contractions, but nothing regular or anything. I told Joe that the contractions don't hurt-they are just uncomfortable and my belly turns into granite it's so hard--sorta like a big muscle that's flexing. After I have them for a while I start to get a bit nauseated and my back hurts, but like I said, they go away and your excitement dies because you know it's not progressing :( So again, it's just a waiting game I guess, which as for those who know me, is really really ridiculously hard for me since I'm such a planner!
We have our 40 week doctors appointment on Wednesday this week and the due date is Thursday. I selfishly prayed at Church on Sunday that I would have the baby this week...I didn't even care if it was not in His plan! So be selfish with me and pray that we have this baby this week! Our books this week said that 50% of babies go past their due date anyways and an even higher percentage go past when you're pregnant with the first baby...so these prayers may be unanswered...hahah. anything helps though! I'll post again Wednesday or Thursday and update everyone on the doctor's appointment.
Over the weekend, Joe and I got momentarily excited over some contractions I was having. On Friday night, I was just being a bum on the couch with Joe watching the bball games (ps: we already know that I am the winner of my bracket...take that MOM and DAD!!) and we started timing the contractions--they were 15 min apart on the dot for a few hours. Unfortunately, they never got stronger OR closer. They eventually went away. So that was just what is called "false labor" where my body is just preparing for labor. It would only be considered true labor if the contractions got stronger/more painful and also got closer together. The same thing happened Sunday night, where I was having a lot of regular contractions, but again, they never got closer and never got stronger, eventually going away. Today, I have had my typical sporadic contractions, but nothing regular or anything. I told Joe that the contractions don't hurt-they are just uncomfortable and my belly turns into granite it's so hard--sorta like a big muscle that's flexing. After I have them for a while I start to get a bit nauseated and my back hurts, but like I said, they go away and your excitement dies because you know it's not progressing :( So again, it's just a waiting game I guess, which as for those who know me, is really really ridiculously hard for me since I'm such a planner!
We have our 40 week doctors appointment on Wednesday this week and the due date is Thursday. I selfishly prayed at Church on Sunday that I would have the baby this week...I didn't even care if it was not in His plan! So be selfish with me and pray that we have this baby this week! Our books this week said that 50% of babies go past their due date anyways and an even higher percentage go past when you're pregnant with the first baby...so these prayers may be unanswered...hahah. anything helps though! I'll post again Wednesday or Thursday and update everyone on the doctor's appointment.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
39 weeks and still going...of course
So I had my 39 week appointment for the week. I may or may not have had an intense (and slightly hormonaly-induced) cry session afterwards. My OBGYN after she checked me said, "no change from last week." and she must have noticed the shock on my face. I then asked her if she could strip my membranes (I've heard people talk about how that works...) but she said it would be pointless because his head is so high up there that it wouldnt do anything but cause me discomfort anyways and it would be pointless. Disappointment crosses my face at this point....So she said to me then--now I'm saying this not to be mean, but to prepare you: this is your first baby, his head is still very high, and I do not see you going anytime soon. In fact, I think it's a safe bet to say that you will go overdue. At this point now, my nose starts to tingle and my eyes start to water...she pushed some tissues at me and told me to hang in there. thanks.
So I composed myself and made my 40 week appt (this is where I start to tear up again when the lady at the front desk says, "hopefully we won't see you for your 40 week appt!!" all chipper-like--doesn't she know the terrible prediction my OB just made?!?!?) Anyways, I got to my car and called joe. The second Joe answers the phone: flood gates open and I sob like a cry baby for a good 15 min on the phone. I had the whole blotchy face/swollen eye thing going on and everything. Poor Joe was trying to be so supportive and kept shooting him down everytime he tried to be positive. So lets just say I had a bad day, but as I have been sitting here at work, I decided that I have to get over it because what is the point of being all dramatic and depressed because there is NOTHING I can do about it! But please---no more "hang in there" statements. You may get a slap from me. (kidding). (sorta).
So that's the update on my doctor's appointment. I have my 40 week appointment next Wednesday-- the day before my "due date". Other updates from our book...ummm, not much. Basically he's ready to come out. gaining a little fat still, but that has tapered off in the last week or so which I can tell because last week I lost a pound and this week i didnt gain anything. (bring on more pizza, fries/burgers and donuts for some feel good food, huh?) The avg baby at this point weighs between 7-9 lbs. let's hope it's closer to 7 and not 9 please. till next week....!
So I composed myself and made my 40 week appt (this is where I start to tear up again when the lady at the front desk says, "hopefully we won't see you for your 40 week appt!!" all chipper-like--doesn't she know the terrible prediction my OB just made?!?!?) Anyways, I got to my car and called joe. The second Joe answers the phone: flood gates open and I sob like a cry baby for a good 15 min on the phone. I had the whole blotchy face/swollen eye thing going on and everything. Poor Joe was trying to be so supportive and kept shooting him down everytime he tried to be positive. So lets just say I had a bad day, but as I have been sitting here at work, I decided that I have to get over it because what is the point of being all dramatic and depressed because there is NOTHING I can do about it! But please---no more "hang in there" statements. You may get a slap from me. (kidding). (sorta).
So that's the update on my doctor's appointment. I have my 40 week appointment next Wednesday-- the day before my "due date". Other updates from our book...ummm, not much. Basically he's ready to come out. gaining a little fat still, but that has tapered off in the last week or so which I can tell because last week I lost a pound and this week i didnt gain anything. (bring on more pizza, fries/burgers and donuts for some feel good food, huh?) The avg baby at this point weighs between 7-9 lbs. let's hope it's closer to 7 and not 9 please. till next week....!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
9 1/2 months belly pics and Dr appt update
Yesterday at my doctors appointment the doctor said I was dilated to 1cm, which is something at least!! But she said that his head is still "WAY too far up to do anything" really. BUT I'm holding on to that 1cm as something positive. Now I know, I know---I could hang out at 1cm for a couple weeks and it doesnt really mean anything...but I don't care, it's something at least :) I also asked about how long they would let me go over my due date before they schedule an induction (I had horrible images of them letting me go till 42 weeks before finally inducing me--I seriously refuse to go another whole MONTH pregnant). The doctor said that if I come in at my 40 week appointment, they automatically schedule an induction for a week later because they don't let you go longer than 1 week overdue at this clinic. SO, that's the other good news: I can officially say that I will have this baby out in no more than three weeks now :) that is fantastic to have a difinitive time frame in mind-it really does help!
From my work shower I got a Babies R Us giftcard. So I met my mom yesterday and we got all the rest of the stuff we needed off the registry with the giftcard, which was really nice. So now literally, we have everything we need at this point. Like I said before: that means time to come out, Ryder. Anyways, my 39 week doctors appointment is next Tuesday. And below you'll notice my GIGANTIC belly. It's frightening to me, so if you are faint of heart, I suggest you don't look below!!
From my work shower I got a Babies R Us giftcard. So I met my mom yesterday and we got all the rest of the stuff we needed off the registry with the giftcard, which was really nice. So now literally, we have everything we need at this point. Like I said before: that means time to come out, Ryder. Anyways, my 39 week doctors appointment is next Tuesday. And below you'll notice my GIGANTIC belly. It's frightening to me, so if you are faint of heart, I suggest you don't look below!!
38 weeks - 9 1/2 months
Bare belly shot...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
38 weeks
yes, yes I am still pregnant, in case you were wondering. Super fun. This week Ryder is officially full term. (aka: time to come out). He weighs somewhere around 7lbs or so, give or take. I have my 38 week doctor's appointment tomorrow morning---please please pretty please let me be doing SOMETHING! I think i've dropped a bit. I have less trouble breathing now but the alternate to that is that I have to pee even more often--which I didn't even think was possible. And when I have a Braxton-Hicks contraction, I feel like there is a vice grip on my bladder and I feel like I'll pee my pants. Also super fun.
This past weekend I had my last two showers: my neighborhood ladies put one on and then my work girlfriends put one on for me. Both were really fun, and as usual, I got some really great and much needed stuff. You should see his dresser drawers and closet-->packed to the max! I love it. I did another load of clothes and blankets today with Dreft baby detergent. Joe and I hung everything up in the closet and sniffed all the little clothes--they smell so good :)
Well, the hospital bag is packed, the showers are done, the nursery is ready with all the clothes washed...let's go!
I'll post another update tomorrow night with a 9 1/2 months pregnant belly shots and a doctors appointment update as well. Wish us luck!!
This past weekend I had my last two showers: my neighborhood ladies put one on and then my work girlfriends put one on for me. Both were really fun, and as usual, I got some really great and much needed stuff. You should see his dresser drawers and closet-->packed to the max! I love it. I did another load of clothes and blankets today with Dreft baby detergent. Joe and I hung everything up in the closet and sniffed all the little clothes--they smell so good :)
Well, the hospital bag is packed, the showers are done, the nursery is ready with all the clothes washed...let's go!
I'll post another update tomorrow night with a 9 1/2 months pregnant belly shots and a doctors appointment update as well. Wish us luck!!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Dr appt update
So not what I wanted to hear, but better than nothing--->I am still not dilated at all, but my doctor said, "I don't have to reach as far to feel his head!" which means that he's dropped a little, but he's still not down nearly far enough to start anything I guess. But if he's made that tiny bit of progress in just 5 days, maybe by my 38 week appointment next Wednesday it will be even better. My blood pressure is still good and I gained less than a pound since last week. I have noticed I have started to retain a litte more water because my socks leave lines and when I lay in one position for awhile, then I have bad lines in my skin. But like I said, my BP is still good and so is my weight. Till next week!
Monday, March 8, 2010
37 weeks
Not that I'm keeping track or anything, but only 24 days left till our due date :) That seems like an extremely long time from now, but I'm trying to remain positive that it's NOT forever from now! And most women who have children tell me that I should enjoy this time before the baby anyways....but I think I'm too antsy. And uncomfortable. I still don't think he's dropped yet. Apparently I'm supposed to be having frequent shooting/stabbing pains in my crotch when he's really down in my pelvis moving around and I don't have those very often. Maybe like one or two here and there and I'm pretty sure it's just when I'm having a braxton-hicks contraction (false/non-labor contractions, for those of you who are wondering what that is) and I feel like my bladder is going to explode. Again, apparently this will only get worse over the next couple weeks. Yay.
This week the avg baby at 37 weeks weighs 6 1/2 lbs. AND at the end of my 37th week, Ryder will officially be considered full term :)
Tomorrow I have my 37 week appointment, so I'll be posting another update tomorrow or Wednesday. I also have another baby shower this coming Saturday with some of the ladies that live in my neighborhood and then again on Monday with my work girlfriends. Ryder is spoiled. Or, as Joe likes to say (and it sounds better too!), "he's not spoiled, he's blessed". I'll take it ;)
This week the avg baby at 37 weeks weighs 6 1/2 lbs. AND at the end of my 37th week, Ryder will officially be considered full term :)
Tomorrow I have my 37 week appointment, so I'll be posting another update tomorrow or Wednesday. I also have another baby shower this coming Saturday with some of the ladies that live in my neighborhood and then again on Monday with my work girlfriends. Ryder is spoiled. Or, as Joe likes to say (and it sounds better too!), "he's not spoiled, he's blessed". I'll take it ;)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
9 months belly shot
So I had my doctors appointment today where the doctor did my first cervix check. Guess what? I'm not dilated AT ALL :( She wouldn't even give me a half cm dilated when I asked if she could at least give me something to work with!! I was severely dissappointed...she said his head isn't even down far enough into my pelvis to touch my cervix and she said that until his head starts dropping down and engaging my cervix, I won't start dilating. Apparently she said jumping jacks won't help this either when I asked. I just have to wait. I could cry. If you look below...I'm huge and to be honest, I don't think I can go another month, I really dont. It's just not possible!! I have my next appointment next Tuesday, so let's hope for some better results. Otherwise Ryder will be grounded when he gets out!

9 months/36 weeks
9 months/36 weeks bare belly shot (yikes I'm huge!)
Monday, March 1, 2010
9 months/36 weeks!
Earlier in my pregnancy, an OB doc told me that, "there really is nothing good to say about weeks 36 through 40. So just hold on!" I know what he means now! It's not that I'm feeling bad neccessarily. It's more of me feeling uncomfortable. I am clumsy, which means I drop everything on the ground...and it's so dang hard to move/pick stuff up. So I usually look around me to see if a)anyone saw me b) do I really really need to pick that up? c)is Joe near me to pick it up?? (poor Joe...he's so good about it all).
This week Ryder is around 6lbs-he's getting to be a big boy! I think I noticed my very first, small stretch mark :( It's on my old belly button ring bottom hole. it's very small, but with a month left, it's sure to leave a beauty of a scar I'm sure. So to my cousins who may be reading this (Erin, Mary, Ashley) DONT GET YOUR BELLY BUTTON PIERCED! it's really not worth it at this point! (you're welcome shelby and kathy, by the way).
So I had not one, but TWO baby showers this weekend. One with my girlfriends on Saturday and one with Joe's side on Sunday. Both showers were so well done and everyone put a lot of time and effort into making them special, so a BIG THANKS to all who helped. We got so many nice gifts-Joe and I had a lot of fun putting everything away last night. I did a big load of laundry today of baby clothes and used the Dreft baby detergent---it smells sooo good. I love baby smell!
On Thursday I have my doctors appointment where they do my first cervix check. Please send out a mini prayer for me that I actually have started this process. I just may cry if I haven't started yet...haha. So look forward to a Thursday night post with an update on the doctors appointment and also month 9/week 36 belly pictures!!
This week Ryder is around 6lbs-he's getting to be a big boy! I think I noticed my very first, small stretch mark :( It's on my old belly button ring bottom hole. it's very small, but with a month left, it's sure to leave a beauty of a scar I'm sure. So to my cousins who may be reading this (Erin, Mary, Ashley) DONT GET YOUR BELLY BUTTON PIERCED! it's really not worth it at this point! (you're welcome shelby and kathy, by the way).
So I had not one, but TWO baby showers this weekend. One with my girlfriends on Saturday and one with Joe's side on Sunday. Both showers were so well done and everyone put a lot of time and effort into making them special, so a BIG THANKS to all who helped. We got so many nice gifts-Joe and I had a lot of fun putting everything away last night. I did a big load of laundry today of baby clothes and used the Dreft baby detergent---it smells sooo good. I love baby smell!
On Thursday I have my doctors appointment where they do my first cervix check. Please send out a mini prayer for me that I actually have started this process. I just may cry if I haven't started yet...haha. So look forward to a Thursday night post with an update on the doctors appointment and also month 9/week 36 belly pictures!!
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